Page 55 - br-sep-2020
P. 55

September 2020                      September 2020

 originally scheduled for Sunday 20 September cannot take place in 2020 and will   POP IN PLACE NEWS
 return in September 2021.
 In a meeting earlier this week, Dorset’s multi-agency Safety Advisory Group was   Have the courage to begin again …. New
 satisfied that IRONMAN’s proposed health and safety measures were well thought   Rainbow Café is starting
 through  and  that  participants,  staff  and  the  wider  public  would  have  been
 sufficiently protected from potential COVID-19 infection.   The  Pop  In  Place  will  be  opening  the  New  Social
        Distance  Rainbow  Community  Café  On  Friday  11   of
   However,  following  discussions  at  both  Dorset  Council  and  Weymouth  Town   September at 10am until 12 noon things will be different
 Council  yesterday,  councillors  have  requested  that  IRONMAN  reschedule  the   as we have to adhere to the new Covid  safe guidelines , so  the café will be held
 race to 2021, citing local community concerns around such a large event taking   upstairs  to  have  more  room  to  spread  out.  There  will  be  hand  sanitizers  on  the
 place during the pandemic and their feeling that the timing just isn’t right at the   walls  to  use  as  you  enter  and  your  details  will  be  required  to  tack  you  if  an
 moment.   outbreak is reported. You will be expected to keep 2, metres apart and 1 meter if
        you are wearing a mask.
   Athletes  that  are  registered  for  the  event  are  receiving  an  email  with  further
 details. While we are prevented from holding the event in 2020, we are looking   Although things will be rather different, we feel it is important to try to provide a
 forward to providing athletes with an exceptional event experience in the future.   safe environment for the community to get back together it’s been a long time
        since we have been able to operate and we are stronger together.

 We are not holding face to face meetings now. However, we would be delighted
 to ring and talk to you. Please ring or email us with the subject matter so that we   There will be a Covid safe training session for all helpers and anyone who wants to
 can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is   volunteer  with  us  on  Friday  4   September  at  10am.  Please  email  me  on
 telephone  07986600799  and  Laura’s  is if you are going to be attending I will lead the session  on
 telephone 07814 569563.   our new Covid safe guidelines and how we will put them into practice and then
        Janette  from  the  pub  will  give  a  short  talk  on  her  experiences  of  running  her
 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
        businesses during Covid.

        Bere Regis Memory Walk … Walk your own Walk

        We have had to cancel the Bere Regis Memory Walk this year, but you can still
        help the Alzheimer's Society by doing your own private or family walk. My family
        and I will be going on a walk and then making a donation to this Just Giving page
        that I have set up for the "Bere Regis Memory walk, walk  your own walkers

        " h t t p s : / / w w w . j u s t g i v i n g . c o m / f u n d r a i s i n g / a l i s o n - b e n n e t t 2 8
        So  anytime  up  until  the    12th  of  September  why  not  walk  for  a  world  without
        dementia and make a donation.
        Covid 19 has had a massive negative effect on all fundraising; here is a small and
        enjoyable way you can make a real difference to people living with dementia. If
        you would prefer to give me a cash donation that is fine and can be dropped to
        my house 3 Rye Hill Close in an envelope marked Memory Walk Donation and I
        will add it into the fund. So please support the Alzheimer’s Society and Lets all …
        Walk for a World Without Dementia.

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