Page 53 - br-sep-2020
P. 53

September 2020                      September 2020
       Not a day goes by
 BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                    You taught me how to behave in life
       There’s not a day goes by when I don’t   To always repay evil with good
 ENVIRONMENT GROUP   think of you           You told me to always turn the other
       Not a day when you don’t cross my    cheek
       mind                                 It’s not easy to do as I should.
 To Autumn – John Keates   Every day I remember our happiness
       How you were always loving and kind.   You told me to never shirk things in life
 Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness    When there were things I didn’t want

       Every day that passes I remember you   to do
 Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun
       And you’re always a happy memory     Now when I face up to challenge
 Conspiring with him how to load and bless   For you gave me life and   It’s only because of you.
 With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
       No wonder you meant so much to me.   No wonder I think of you every day
                                            And you’re with me no matter what I
 To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
       You taught me everything that I know   do
 And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;   Told me to always tell the truth   Every day I remember our happiness
       You were always there with a helping   Not a day goes by but I think of you.

       hand                                                    Eileen Richardson
 Autumn Fruitfulness   To guide me through my happy youth.
 The above words are from the first lines of John Keates poem ‘To Autumn’. These

 words were penned by the romantic poet in 1819, towards the end of his short 26   When you go   I’ve seen how you treat everybody
 year  life  and  after  a  walk  near  Winchester.  Although  the  strength  of  the  sun  is      How you always do your best to please
 fading at this time of year its past energy is evident in the bountiful fruits to be   When you go don’t leave me wordly   And I should like to be like you
 seen in the hedgerows. No doubt many of us will have gathered blackberries at   treasures   Then I could leave such happy
 some  time.  There  are  plenty  of  other  fruits,  seeds  and  nuts  to  be  found  in  the   Or money, what do I need with these?   memories.
 area, sustaining wildlife and some for our enjoyment – hazel nuts (although you’ll   For you have given me so much in life
 be lucky to beat mice and squirrels to ones ripe to eat); elderberries for wine, jam   You’ll leave me such happy   And I shall see you in the setting sun
 and syrup; and sloes for gin (but don’t pick them until after the first frost). And, of   memories…..   And in the moon shining on the silver
 course,  our  gardens  may  be  bearing  fruit  –  apples,  pears  and  perhaps  a  few      sea
 ‘exotics’  like  grapes  and  figs.  Seeds  are  less  obvious  but  equally  important  for   For I shall see you in the morning sun   I’ll see you there on a starlit night
 wildlife – for example, finches and other birds love thistle seed. You may not have   I’ll see you in the early sunrise   You shine as bright as any star for me.
       I’ll hear your laughter in the song of a
 thistles  in  your  garden  but  you  can  still  do  your  bit  to  attract  birds.  Help  birds   bird   And when you go, go with a happy
 survive  the  coming  colder  months  by  not  pruning  flower  heads  back  until  the   And in the stars I’ll see your smiling eyes.   heart
 Spring or put out feed – finches love nyjer seed (why – because it is thistle seed!).       All the birds will be singing in the trees
       I’ll see your friendly smile in the rainbow   The angels will be there to welcome

       I’ll hear your voice in the wind in the   you
 Nature Sightings   trees                    And you’ll leave me such happy
       And everywhere I look I shall see you   memories.
 We would be very interested to hear of your local wildlife sightings (common or   For you’ll leave me such happy
 unusual), so as to build up a picture of what is about and when it first arrives /   memories.   And when you go, go with a happy
 emerges.  Last  month,  we  asked  for  reports  of  Glow  Worm  sightings.  We  were      heart
 really  pleased  to  receive  several  reports  of  Glow  Worms  being  seen  along  the   You told me to always trust everybody   I know the angels will be singing up
 fringes to May’ Wood at dusk, and of past sightings in the Doddings area. Do let   To look for the good in everyone   above
 us know if you see any.   To me you’re full of warmth and   For you make the world a much
       happiness                             brighter place
                                             And you’ll leave me such memories
       To me you’re like the morning sun.
                                             and love.

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