Page 54 - br-September-2019
P. 54

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

           This is so quick, so easy and the whole family will love it with lashings of

           Makes 1 loaf
                250g plain wholemeal flour
                250g plain white flour
                1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
                1 tsp salt
                420ml buttermilk

           1.  Put  both  flours  into  a  large
           2. Add the bicarbonate of soda and salt and mix together.

           3. Add buttermilk and mix with your hand or a wooden spoon to form a
           sticky dough.
           4. Flour a work surface with some white flour and tip the dough onto it.
           5. Do not knead but gently roll and fold the dough to bring it together for
           about a minute.
           6. Shape into a ball by turning it on the work surface in cupped hands
           then flatten gently on the top.
           7. Place on a non stick baking tray, dust with flour and using a large knife
           cut deeply dividing it into quarters.
           8. Leave to one side for 30mins before baking at 200 C, middle shelf for
           9. When done the top should be golden brown and the bottom sound
           hollow when tapped. Cool on a wire rack and enjoy- If you can wait that

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