Page 50 - br-September-2019
P. 50

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

                                                                                           Balance to reserves for future planned projects including the new community hall
                                                                                           We are fortunate in Bere Regis to have the services of a Lengthsman and I am
                                                                                           sure most of you know Tony King and the work he does for the parish. His role is
                                                                                           wide  ranging  –  from  keeping  the  cemetery  neat  and  tidy,  repairing  the  finger
                                                                                           posts,  keeping  rights  of  way  passable,  cutting  the  grass  on  Souls  Moor  and  the
                                                                                           verges  around  the  village  to  picking  up  litter  and  clearing  dog  poo.  Sadly,  he
                                                                                           spends  far  too  much  time  on  the  latter  two  items,  and  we  would  ask  all  parish
                                                                                           residents to please keep this in mind and take your litter home and clear up after
                                                                                           your  dog.  That  way,  Tony  can  spend  more  time  keeping  our  parish  up  to  the
                                                                                           standard we have all become accustomed.

                                                                                           Overall,  the  parish  is  in  a  financially  healthy  position  and  this  will  enable  us  to
                                                                                           move forward with projects such as the new community hall.
                                                                                           Perhaps this is also a good time to remind all of you who are involved in running
                                                                                           parish groups that we do have a small amount of money set aside each year for
                                                                                           grants. If you have a project that you would like the Parish Council to support, we
                                                                                           are able to offer grants of up to £500. So please do submit your application. Full
                                                                                           details are available on the Parish Council website.

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