Page 52 - br-September-2019
P. 52

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

                                                                                           New Councillor
                                                                                           We  were  delighted  to  welcome  Moira  Mathers  to  fill  the  vacant  councillor’s
                                                                                           position and look forward to her input at future meetings. We also welcomed Amy
                                                                                           Yeats who was invited to chair a division of the Environment Group Working Party
                                                                                           focusing on the conservation areas around the village, and work closely with the
                                                                                           Parish Council.

                                                                                           Slip Road Fix
                                                                                           Thanks  to  the  application  of  considerable  pressure  from  the  Parish  Council,
                                                                                           Councillor  Wharf  and  residents  through  the  Dorset  For  You  platform,  we  were
                                                                                           pleased that the Highways Agency recently carried out a temporary fix on the slip
                                                                                           road  going  out  of  the  Village  to  the  Puddletown  Bypass,  ahead  of  planned
                                                                                           resurfacing there in the Autumn. Problems on our roads and rights of way can be
                                                                                           reported   online   at:

                                                                                           Volunteer work party for the play park

                                                                                           We  will  be  holding  a  volunteer  work  party  in  the  play  park  on  Saturday  22
                                                                                           September,  in  order  to  try  and  get  some  of  the  more  niggling,  time  consuming
                                                                                           repairs  and  improvements  carried  out.  If  you  wish  to  be  involved  with  this,  and

                                                                                           hopefully  further  improvement  work  around  the  village,  please  contact  Robin

                                                                                           Pitcher at
           When you respond to
        advertisers, do please tell                                                        Old School

        them you saw their advert                                                          We have just learned that the Old School has been temporarily leased by Dorset
                                                                                           Council  to  a  charity  called  PMG  pending  decisions  about  its  longer-term
           in this magazine  -  it                                                         redevelopment plans.

          helps them monitor the
           effectiveness of their                                                          We have had a great response to our trips for the community in our new bus, with
                                                                                           more trips planned in due course. There are currently still 3 places remaining on
            advert and helps us                                                            the trip to Haskins Garden Centre on 24  September, leaving Bere Regis at 10am.
        generate more advertising                                                          To book a space please contact Brenda House on 01929 471255.

                  revenue!!                                                                Village Tidy

                                                                                           Our next Village Tidy will be held on Saturday 12  October. We will be looking to
                                                                                           work  on  areas  around  the  village  most  in  need  of  improvement  and  hopefully

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