Page 57 - br-September-2019
P. 57

September 2019                      September 2019
 23:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and
 self control.  These are all character attributes, but we need His help to produce   CASTLE PLAYERS  - LYTCHETT
 them.  If we ask, then we will receive God’s help, and that sort of fruit is so much
 better than all the strife and discontent we see around us.  Let’s make it our aim   MATRAVERS
 to ask for God’s help to produce fruit that will benefit those around us, as well as
 producing well being in our own lives.      It’s nearly here!
 One  of  the  preachers  who  comes
 regularly to the Chapel is called Eddie      Castle Players proudly present The
 Martin.    Some  years  ago  his  wife   Elephant  Man  at   Lytchett
 tragically  died  in  a  car  crash.    Money   Matravers  Village  Hall  from
 was  given  in  her  memory  and  Eddie   October 9th-12th. Tickets are available via our website
 decided  to  use  it  to  start  a  charity  to   (  or  phone  01202  912351  at
 provide  wells  in  the  villages  of  Burkino   £10. This is a fantastic play, based on the story of John
 Faso, Africa, where there is a desperate   (Joseph) Merrick, a cruelly disfigured man whose life is
 need  for  clean  water  for  the  villagers.    transformed once he meets Frederick Treves, a native
 The  local  authorities  don’t  bother  to  help  these  poor  people,  and  even  in  the   of  Dorchester.  From  sideshow  exhibit  to  meeting  with
 towns the mains water is not pure.  It costs £5000 to provide a well.  The well is dug   the  highest  of  society,  Merrick  becomes  more
                               accepted by the world, or is he just moved to a higher
 to a depth of about 50 metres, (165 feet) where pure water can be found.  Eddie   class  of  voyeurism?  Rehearsals  are
 brought some water back from there and had it tested, he was told that it was   going  well,  so  don’t  miss  the
 purer than our tap water!  The charity, called Myra’s Wells, has provided 149 wells
 since 2006, and the demand continues.  The pumps provide water at a rate of at   chance  to  see  the  story  of  this
                                               v u l n e r a b l e
                                                                a n d
                                                                        o f t e n
 least 700 litres per hour, which is enough for all the water needs of a village of
 about 2000 people. The area around the pump has a protective surround and a   misunderstood  character,  book
 drinking trough for the animals.  Healthy livestock contribute to the health of the   your  tickets  now.  Refreshments
 villagers and so the whole community benefits.  All the money donated goes to   available  at  the  show,  and  if  you
 providing wells.  Nothing is taken out for expenses.  Further information about this   would  like  to  join  the  company  in
 very worthwhile project can be found at   any capacity, then feel free to drop
                                               us  a  line,  or  ask  when  you  come
 How thankful we should be that we have water so easily available, and grateful   and see us.
 that our climate is so varied and not intensely hot all the time.

 Just a Smile

 Nun Other!  Two little boys had been having a very serious discussion, when one of
 them went up to the Sister who worked in the parish and said: “You’re not one of
 those things that goes into the field to scare the birds, are you?”

 Oops!  To  oblige  a  customer  who  wanted  the  Church  Times,  the  Cornish
 newsagent searched through a pile of papers only to report, “I’m sorry, it hasn’t   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
 come in yet.  Several other comics are also late.”
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more

                                advertising revenue!!

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