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September 2019                                                                      September 2019

       WELDMAR                                                                                     OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
                                                                                           BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH

       Weldmar Hospicecare launch ‘Make A Will Month’, offering a                          Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
       free Will writing service during October
                                                                                           Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
       Weldmar Hospicecare has launched their first ‘Make A Will Month’, taking place
       this October, where local people can take advantage of a free Will writing service   Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
       with a number of local solicitors.
                                                                                           Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
       It’s estimated that just over half of all adults in the UK do not have a Will, which
       would  ensure  their  money  and  property  goes  to  the  right  people,  and  saves   Well, Summer is officially over and we are now into Autumn.  How quickly time has
       additional stress for the family at a difficult time.                               gone, the children will soon be back at school, and memories of the short heat
                                                                                           wave and the longer spells of rain are fading!  But this is also the time when we
       Selected  local  branches  of  Kitson  &  Trotman,  Blanchards  Bailey,  Porter  Dodson,   think  about  the  harvest,  and  our  village  churches  will  be  celebrating  Harvest
       Humphries  Kirk,  and  Battens  will  be  offering  the  free  service  at  appointments   Festival either this month or in early October.  Our own Harvest Thanksgiving will be
       during   October,   with   a   suggested                                            on September 22  at 10.30am and you are warmly welcomed to join us on that
       donation  to  Weldmar  Hospicecare  from                                            day.  The gifts of produce, tins and packets etc. will be given to the Bournemouth
       anyone taking up the offer in return.                                               Salvation Army.
       Sarah  Balchin  is  Weldmar’s  Legacy                                               There  are  so  many  things  to  thank  God  for  at  Harvest  time  other  than  food  –
       Fundraiser,  and  says,  “Having  a  Will  is                                       homes, clothes, medical services, but especially water, even when it seems to rain
       really important, and can provide peace                                             too much!
       of mind at the most difficult time.  We are
       delighted that a number of local solicitors                                         When  the  weather  is  hot  we  long  for  a  cool
       have come on board and we thank them                                                refreshing  drink,  and  we  wait  for  rain  to  water
       for  giving  their  time  to  this  important                                       the  gardens  and  give  renewed  life  to  the
       campaign,  so  that  we  can  encourage                                             plants.  Palm trees grow in very dry places.  They
       more people to write their Will”.                                                   have  longitudinal  fibres  which  give  them
                                                                                           immense  strength.    They  may  bend  severely
       Make A Will Month coincides with the launch of a campaign by the charity to get     under pressure, but they don’t break.  The Bible
       more people to consider leaving a gift in their Will to Weldmar Hospicecare.  Gifts   says that those who know their God will ‘flourish
       left in Wills directly contributes to the care of one in three patients in the last year   like a palm tree, .... they will still bear fruit, even
       of life.                                                                            in  old  age.    They  will  stay  fresh  and  green,
                                                                                           proclaiming “The Lord is upright, He is my rock.”
       With demand on services increasing by a predicted 25% over the next five years,     ‘  (Psalm  92:12-15)  What  is  the  palm  tree’s
       leaving a gift in your Will now will ensure we are there for anyone who needs end   secret?    It’s  the  tap  root  that  goes  down  and
       of life care in the future.
                                                                                           down  until  it  finds  water.  It’s  the  same  with
       To  find  out  which  solicitor  is  offering  the  service  in  your  area,  and  to  make  an   people.    If  our  roots  go  down  into  the  living
       appointment, please visit the Weldmar Hospicecare website.                          water  Jesus  gives,  we  can  survive  and  even
                                                                                           flourish  in  the  most  hostile  conditions  –  and
                                                                                           produce a harvest of fruit.
                                                                                            What sort of fruit is God looking for in our lives?  He gives us a list in Galatians 5: 22-

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