Page 55 - br-September-2019
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September 2019                      September 2019

       The  end  of  July  saw  a  first for  Bere  Regis  WI.  Our
       member,  Nancy  Jones,  joined  ladies  from  WIs  all
       over  Dorset  to  volunteer  at  Camp  Bestival
       manning  the  annual  WI  Tea  Tent.  Nancy  reports
                                   that   the    WI
                                   team, and the logistics involved, were amazing –
                                   making  and  selling  about  two  thousand
                                   sandwiches,  six  hundred  bacon  rolls,  two
                                   thousand  slices  of  cake  and  five  hundred
                                   cupcakes  and  biscuits,  as  well  as  innumerable
                                   cups  of  tea  and  coffee,  over  the  three  days.
                                   Nancy’s  personal  contribution  was  equally
                                   i m p r e s s i v e .
                                   During  the  day
                                   she  was  there,
                                   she  helped  put
                                   t o g e t her    a
                                   hundred  cream
       teas, which sold as soon as they were made, as
       well  as  working  on  the  counter  taking  orders,
       making hot drinks and collecting money from the
       very appreciative public, who came in a steady
       stream from the moment the tent was open, and
       clearing  tables  and  washing  up.  Undaunted  by
       all of this, she found the day so rewarding and fun
       that she’s already said she’ll do it again next year!

       Everything is back to normal in September after our August break. At our meeting
       on  Wednesday,  18  September  2019,  local  artist,  Marilyn  Allis,  will  be  giving  us a
       short  demonstration  of  her  work.  In  a  change  from  the  venue  announced  in
       August,  the  Lunch  Club  will  visit  The  Scott  Arms  in  Kingston  on  Thursday,  5
       September 2019 and Stitch and Twitch will restart on Wednesday, 25 September
       2019 from 9:30am to noon at the Bere Regis Sports Club.  All these  activities are
       open to non-members but, in particular, we’d like to invite non-members to join us
       free  of  charge  for  Stitch  and  Twitch.  In  the  coming  months,  we’ll  be  running  a
       programme  of  small  projects  for  anyone  at  all  interested  in  sewing.  Our  first
       project, we hope, will be sewing a simple square which could be a centrepiece
       or joined with other squares to make a larger item. All materials and equipment
       will be provided, together with tea/coffee – we just need you!
       For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
       Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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