Page 51 - br-September-2019
P. 51

September 2019                      September 2019

 have a list of volunteers who we can allocate to certain areas. If you wish to be   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
 involved  with  the  Village  Tidy,  please  contact  Cathryne  Packham  on  Closer  to  the  time  we  will  announce  further  details  of
 timings and areas being worked on and people will be able to just turn up on the   Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
 day to help out for as much or little time as they have.   businesses so you don’t have to.
       For more information visit or
 Bryan Benjafield
       call 08454 040506.
       To report or seek advice about problems you have
       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Understanding your food dates
       In general food law requires pre packed food to have a date mark. Depending
 The Parish Council’s financial year came to an end on 31  March at which point   on the food type this is either a ‘use by’ date or a ‘best before’ date.
 the  accounts  were  passed  to,  in  the  first  instance,  an  internal  auditor,  before
 being passed on to an auditor chosen by Central Government.    The  use  by  date  is  about  safety  and  is  the  most  important  date  to  remember!
       Food with a use by date goes off quickly even if it is stored correctly and looks
 The  accounts  have  now  been  audited  and  they  are  available  in  full  for  your   and  smells  fine.  You  find  it  on  food  such  as  meat  products  or  ready-prepared
 inspection on the Parish Council website.   salads. Food can be eaten up until the use by date but should not be eaten after
       the date has passed. Most food, including meat and milk, can be frozen up until
 However, in order to give you a picture of how the Precept has been spent over
 the last year, the income and expenditure for the year to 31  March 2019 is set out   the use by date too. The food can then be defrosted and eaten at a later date.
 below in a simplified format:   In these circumstances the use by date will no longer apply, but the food will still
       be  a  type  of  food  that  goes  off  quickly  so  should  be  eaten  quickly  once

       defrosted.  For  the  use  by  to  be  a  valid  guide  you  must  carefully  follow  storage
 Income:   instructions.
 Precept (the money claimed from your Council tax)   55,010.77   The best before date is about quality and not
 Other income, including donations, grants, cemetery income   16,606.23      safety. The food will be safe to eat after this
                                       date  but  the  food  may  no  longer  be  at  its
 Total income   71,617.00              best.  Its  flavour  and  texture  for  example
                                       might not be as good. The best before date

                                       appears  on  a  wide  range  of  frozen,  dried,
 Expenditure:                          tinned and other foods. The best before date
                                       will  only  be  accurate  if  the  food  is  stored
 Play area maintenance   4,412.93
                                       according to the instructions on the label.
 Cemetery maintenance   6,872.75
                                       Shops  can  sell  food  once  the  ‘best  before’
 Other maintenance by the Lengthsman   13,267.11
                                       date  has  passed,  however  selling  food  past
 Administration costs   16,881.48
                                       its  ‘use  by’  date  is  a  criminal  offence  and
 Grants, Xmas trees, benches   4,797.05   can lead to prosecution. Dorset Council Trading Standards would like to know if
 Community Hall preparatory costs   740.00   you find someone selling food past its use by date.
 Neighbourhood Plan – advertising, printing, fees   3,041.55
       To report something to Trading Standards or for advice about goods or services
 Remembrance Service costs – wreaths, Silent Soldiers, service    838.97   you have bought then please contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on
       03454 040506.
 Total expenditure                    50,851.84

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