Page 49 - br-September-2019
P. 49

September 2019                      September 2019


 County Lines
 Dorset  authorities  are  asking
 residents  to  look  out  for  signs  of
 criminal  activity  that  crosses
 “county  lines”    and  help  protect
 young   people  from   being
 exploited by criminals this summer.
 Dorset  Police,  NHS  Dorset  Clinical
 Commissioning  Group,  Public
 Health   Dorset,   the   Youth
 Offending  Service  and  Dorset
 Council  are  working  together  to
 tackle  child  exploitation, including  “county  lines”  –  which involves  drug  dealing
 networks using children to connect urban and rural areas across the UK, residents
 are being asked to keep an eye out and report any concerns.
 Some of the signs of exploitation and county lines involvement are:
    A child or young person going missing from home or significant changes
 in emotional well-being
     A person meeting unfamiliar adults or a change to their behaviour
     The use of drugs and alcohol
     Acquiring money or expensive gifts they can’t account for
     Lone children from outside of the area
     Individuals with multiple mobile phones, tablets or ‘SIM cards’
     Young people with more money, expensive clothing, or accessories
 than they can account for
     Unknown or suspicious looking characters coming and going from a
 neighbour’s house
     Relationships with controlling or older individuals or associations with
     Suspicion of self-harm, physical assault or unexplained injuries
 Agencies in Dorset have been working together to improve the way intelligence is
 collected,  shared  and  acted  upon  to  tackle  child  exploitation.  A  multi-agency
 steering  group  has  been  set  up  to  strengthen  partnership  working  and  protect
 vulnerable children and young people.
 Sarah Parker, Executive Director for Children at Dorset Council, chairs the steering

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