Page 48 - br-September-2019
P. 48

September 2019                                                                      September 2019
                                                                                           group. She said: “County lines can have a devastating impact on children and
        BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY                                                         families’  lives,  so  we  need  to  all  stand  together  to  try  and  stop  it.  It’s  really

                                                                                           important  that  people  know  what  to  look  out  for  and  who  to  contact,  so
        For  our  July  meeting  we  had  an                                               agencies can act and protect children and young people from being exploited.
        alternative  programme  because  we                                                We need our communities to be our eyes and ears and report any concerns.”
        were  not  able  to  visit  the  dig  site  in  the
        village  due  to  a  technical  problem.  Just                                     If a child or young person is showing signs of mistreatment, seems to be travelling
                                                                                           long distances or is unfamiliar with an area, the best advice is to trust your instincts
        inches  down  a  huge  concrete  slab  was
        found, once part of a pathway from the                                             and report your suspicions to the police online or by calling 101. Alternatively, call
        1950s, which, it was assumed, would not                                            Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
        have been there! The dig visit will be held
        as the August meeting.
                                                                                           Dry Stone Walling

        Speaking  of  the  August  meeting,  from  that  month  we  will  be  meeting  on  the   The  Dorset  AONB  Team  has  recently
        fourth  Wednesday  instead  of  the  third,  which  is  an  anti-clash  action  to  avoid   given  a  grant  which  commits  to
        coinciding with other events in Bere Regis.
                                                                                           working  with  local  people  and
                                            We  had  a  short  discussion  on  the         organisations  to  conserve  and
                                            implications  of  finding  Bere  Regis's       enhance  the  natural  beauty  of  the
                                            ancient  burial  place,  going  back  way      area.  West  Purbeck  have  been
                                            before the churchyard was established,         chosen  to  support  a  project  to
                                            and  re-stating  that  there  are  tens  of    provide  skills  and  certification  for  dry
                                            thousands  of  burials  on  the  Barrow  Hill   stone  wallers  to  purchase  stone  for
                                            site.  The  original  aims  of  the  Society,   volunteers  to  practise  their  skills  and
                                            often  repeated,  are  to  establish  the      gain  recognised  qualifications  in  dry
                                            earliest origins of our village and to join    stone  walling.  This  project  will  be
                                            them  up  with  known  features  and  to       completed by March 2020.
                                            some extent with documentation which
                                            is  fragmentary.  We  are  making  good
                                            progress on this mission.                      Purbeck Local Plan
                                            The  BRHS  has  now  made  contact  with       The inspectorate has completed their review and we will publish a summary of this
                                            the  premier  archaeology  unit  for  this     as soon as we hear.
                                            area and they have agreed to carry out
        professional  exploration  of  our  two  newly-found  Roman  Villas  and  are  excited   Ironman
        about our ancient burial place.
                                                                                           This  will  be  running  on  Sunday  22nd  September  and  will  cause  significant
        New members are always welcome, and don't forget, it's the fourth Wednesday.
                                                                                           dislocation  with  road  closures  and  diversions  throughout  the  day.  To  find  out
                                                     John Pitfield, Project Secretary      details google Ironman 70.3 as the website I have been given does not work.

                                                                                           We  have  been  told  by  Central  Government  that  an  additional  allocation  of
                                                                                           funding to every Council will be given for the creation of a Brexit Lead Officer in
                                                                                           every authority.  We have been given a high level job description for the role but

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