Page 46 - br-September-2019
P. 46

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

                          AUTUMN LEAVES

                          OVER  50’S CLUB                                                  Avon Heath Country Park and Moors Valley Country Park, both near Ringwood,
                                                                                           Durlston Country Park in Swanage, Thorncombe Woods near Dorchester and The
                                                                                           Milldown and Stour Meadows in Blandford, have been recognized by the Green
                                                                                           Flag Award Scheme as some of the very best in the world.
       Our Home Grown Entertainment afternoon this month was very successful, as we
       had two really good quizzes from Bere Regis’ very own Quiz Queen, Sue Stone,        These  sites  in  Dorset  are  among  a  record-breaking  1,970  UK  parks  and  green
       and enjoyed readings and poems from two of our members. The highlight was our       spaces and 131 in thirteen other countries around the world that have received a
       very  own  leader,  the  wonderful  Kath  Jeeves  at  the  piano  again  for  a  little   prestigious Green Flag Award. This international award, now into its third decade,
       community singing after a long time when she couldn’t play.                         is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental
                                                                                           standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent visitor facilities.
       Phil Robbins won the longest runner bean competition and everyone enjoyed the
       excellent sandwiches prepared by Pat and John House.
                                  Next month is the 48  anniversary of the founding        Surgery
                                  of the club by Kath, and we will have the pleasure
                                  of  Rob  Curtis  returning  to  give  us  another  of  his   Surgeries will be held by one or other of us during the month and we are currently
                                                    interesting  talks  about  Dorset      trying a number of different approaches. For September we both hope to be at
                                                                                           the  D’Urberville  Hall  in  Wool  on  Monday  16th  September  at  7.00  pm  when  the
                                                                                           Parish Council meeting will take place.  If you cannot make it to a surgery please
                                                    Why  not  come  and  join  us?         email either of us and we will arrange to come around to see you.  Peter’s email
                                                    We  meet  on  Wednesday  11            a d d r e s s    i s    p e t e r w h a r f @ h o t m a i l . c o m    a n d    L a u r a ’ s    i s
                                                    September  at  2.30  in  the 
                                                    Scout Hut.  Bring a friend with                          Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
                                                    you  and  you  will  find  many
                                                    more at “Autumn Leaves.”
                                                                                            NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

                                                                                           Just before the Parliamentary recess, I took part in a Q
                                                                                           &  A  session  at  Wareham  library  organised  by  the
                                                                                           Friends. One of the questions was about where I can
                                                                                           get  information  on  an  issue  with  which  I  might  be
                                                                                           unfamiliar.  We  are  incredibly  lucky in  Parliament  that
                                                                                           we have the House of Commons library. They provide
                                                                                           independent research and impartial information for all
                                                                                           Members  of  Parliament.  It is  an independent  service,
                                                                                           using  national  data.  They  provide  MPs  with  research
                                                                                           and  information  briefings,  and  insights  into  a  wide
                                                                                           range of topics. Most of what is published is also available for the public on their
                                                                                           People sometimes ask me why I don’t publish more videos and photographs from
                                                                                           inside  the  Houses  of  Parliament.  There  are  very  strict  rules  about  where  we
                                                                                           allowed  to  take  pictures  and  videos,  which  can  prove  disappointing  to  visitors!
                                 839209                                                    We are not allowed to take photos or film inside the Commons chamber itself  –

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