Page 68 - br-oct-2021
P. 68

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       the lobby by the jubilee room and kitchen. Please bring along your donations for     AN OPEN AIR JAZZ CONCERT AT ST
       these worthy charities and treat yourself to some delicious jams and pickles for the
       incredible price of only £2.50 a jar.                                                LAURENCE’S

       Pulling together has brought us all safely so far through this pandemic and I truly
       hope  going  forward  we  can  continue  to  enjoy  each  other’s  support  and
       company as we’re able to do more things together making even greater use of          On 15  August, a rather cloudy and grey day,
       our amazing village hall.                                                            a  very  cheerful  event  was  held  in  St
                                                                                            Laurence’s Peace Garden.
                         Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
                                                                                            The  ‘Capone  4’  played  New  Orleans  and
                                 Email     Mobile 07818078191+         Trad Jazz between 12.00 and 3pm and what
                                                                                            an  excellent  group  they  are.  The  event  was
                                                                                            very well attended with over 80 people, of all
       BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP  - OUR                                                    ages, enjoying the music. All brought picnics
                                                                                            and  there  was  a  bar  and  teas  and  coffees.
       VILLAGE SHOP                                                                         Despite the weather a great time was had by
                                                                                            all with dancing and much toe tapping and
        Apologies I missed writing for the Parish Magazine for                              singing.
        a couple of months. I’d love to say I was on holiday –                              Many thanks go to the musicians, and all those who contributed to the afternoon.
        sunning  myself  in  the  Caribbean!  But  alas  we  have
        not yet managed to get away. Instead the business                                                           Elizabeth Whatley & Michael Menzies, Churchwardens
        of life over took.

        Some  of  the  value  of  the  village  shop  for  me
        personally  is  that  it  gives  me  the  opportunity  to  do
        something  very  different  to  my  day  to  day  role  at
        work and home. It also provides a great opportunity
        to meet and spend time with the amazing people in
        our  community.  Whether  it’s  meeting  customers  at
        the weekend or fellow volunteers at committee meetings or organising stock I get
        the chance to spend, albeit small amounts of, time with “real” people. Which if
        we  haven’t  come  to  realise  the  value  of  over  the  last  18  months  when  the
        privilege was removed, maybe we never will.
        We were actually able to have our 1  committee meeting in 12 months last night.
        It  was  so  good  to  be  back  in  the  room  with  my  fellow  committee  members.
        Sharing stories of life in the shop. Acknowledging the volunteers to whom we as a
        community  are  indebted.  Looking  at  the  numbers  which  evidence  the  great
        contribution, particularly the fresh fruit, veg and meat make to the overall running
        of the shop.
        We have set  the date for our long overdue  AGM   for  early December.  This  will
        cover 2 financial years and bring us up to date. It’s a great opportunity for us to
        all  meet  together,  and  recognise  the  value  the  shop brings  to  the  community.
        And if you don’t want to come just to hear the update please come and join us
        for a glass of wine and some nibbles.

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