Page 66 - br-oct-2021
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October 2021                                                                        October 2021
       We are happy to vaccinate you whilst have an appointment at the Surgery with a
       clinician for another matter. Please ask when you book your appointment.                    OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
       We strongly recommend you book early as we hope to complete the majority of         BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
       our flu vaccinations before the COVID booster campaign is in full flow (details on
       that  to  follow  next  month,  or  look  out  for  information  on  the  Bere  Regis  Village
       Facebook  page,  Purbeck  Primary  Care  Network  Facebook  page  or  on  our       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
       surgery website)                                                                    preachers.
       Saturday  11   September  –  Bere  Regis  Scout  Hut  morning  and  afternoon       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
       appointments available                                                              Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting in the Manse and
       Saturday 25  September – Winterborne Kingston Village hall – morning                also on zoom.
                                                                                           Wednesdays Chapel Toddler Group.  9.30am.  Advance booking is
       Saturday 2  October – Briantspuddle Village Hall – morning                          essential, please contact Suzie on 07962142552
       Saturday 23  October – Bere Regis Scout Hut – morning                               Final  restrictions  on  Sunday  Services  have  been  lifted  and  we  are  enjoying
                                                                                           congregational singing again, and  coffee and  tea are served after  the  service.
                                        Please                                             Our services also go out live on you tube.
                         Arrive at the exact appointment time
                        Provide easy access to your upper arms                             Looking for gold in Cornwall
                          Wear a face mask or face covering                                It’s  always  been  possible  to  look  for  gold  in  Cornish  streams,  and  gold  was  also
              Stay at home if you or a household member have symptoms                      found  when  the  tin  mines  were  at  their  most  active.  But  according  to  the
                                                                                           newspaper,  gold  prospecting  has  taken  off,  and  many  people  are  going  to
                                  Stay safe, stay well                                     Cornwall, hoping that they may be the one to find a large amount of gold!
                                                                                           Gold is one of the most valuable of all metals.  It keeps its beautiful colour, and
                                                                                           when used to make jewellery such as a wedding ring, it will stay strong for many
                                                                                           During  the  great  gold  rush  in  California,  which  started  in  1849,  many  people
                                                 Quality Tax and                           travelled far across  America to look for it in the Californian gold fields.  It was a
            KingsBere                               Accounting                             hazardous journey so the prospectors organised themselves into groups, and each
                                                                                           group appointed a captain who was responsible for the discipline of the party.
           Accountants                      For professional advice, dealing with all      One  such  party  appointed  as  captain  a  man  who  was  a  Christian.    This  man
                                                                                           insisted  that  the  party  had  a  complete  rest  each  Sunday,  during  the  long  trek
                                                 aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                           across the American continent.  The men in the party were greatly annoyed the
                                                                                           first  Sunday,  as  they  saw  1700  other  people  pass  in  front  of  them,  but  as  the
                                            Day and evening appointments available         journey  continued  they  not  only  passed  that  1700  but  also  a  further  2,200  who
                                                                                           were travelling seven days a week.  Moreover when they arrived in California they
                                                                                           were ready to start work at once, whereas the others were so tired that they were
                  Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                            unable to start work for several days.
                                                           Our bodies were made by God in such a way that we really do need one day of
                                                                                           rest  in seven,  and we  can  see  from this  story  why  it  is  necessary.   Many  people

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