Page 63 - br-oct-2021
P. 63

October 2021                         October 2021


       We  are  sad  to  say  that  due  to  unforeseen
       circumstances  we  had  to  cancel  our  outing  to
       Minterne House but instead we are lucky enough
       to  have  a  Fire  Arms  Officer  living  in  Bere  Regis
       who  has  offered  to  give  us  a  brief  history  of
       firearms  with  policing  in  the  UK  and  Dorset.  It
       should give us an insight of what our Police have to cope with night and day in
       these  uncertain  times.  We  are  meeting  at  the  Police  Headquarters  in  Wool  for
       what  we  are  sure  will  be  an  interesting  evening.  Full  disclosure  in  next  month's

                                    We  have  been  very  busy  lately  starting  with
                                    August  Bank  Holiday  Monday  when  we  were
                                    asked  to  provide  tea  for  the  annual  cricket
                                    match  between  Bere  Regis  and  a  team  -
                                    Leeside - from Essex. This team plus their families
                                    have  come  most  years  since  about  1980  and
                                    they  play  local  village  teams  whilst  staying  in
                                    various Hotels. We were asked to supply tea for
                                    approximately  40  people  and  a  very  good
                                    spread  of  sandwiches,  sausage  rolls  -  which
                                    went very quickly - and a variety of cakes were
                                    all gratefully received.
                                    We  also  had  a  tombola  for  the  wives  and
                                    children  which  was  well  supported  by  several
                                    young boys who
                                    went  away  with
                                    various items  -  a
       carriage clock, several rather nice vases and lots
       of  other  items  -  which  must  have  pleased  their
       mothers!  Anyway we  did  make  some  money  for
       our  funds  so  everyone  was  happy.  AND  Bere
       Regis won the match!
       It was also the WI's turn to arrange the flowers in
       the  Church for  the  first  two  weeks  of  September
       and this coincided with the funeral of Phil Robbins
       and we were asked if we would like to obtain the
       flowers,  for  which  we  were  given  an  impressive
       sum  to  spend,  and  make  the  Church  look  as
       splendid  as  possible  for  this  special  day.  Four
       Members  of  our  WI  did  pedestal  arrangements

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