Page 70 - br-oct-2021
P. 70

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       Many hands make light work and this is particularly true for the village shop. Many   FROM THE REGISTERS
       people are involved in helping to run the village shop and we’d love you to be
       part of the team. Please consider how you might play a part.
       Thank you for continuing to support the Village shop.

       To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and         Bere Regis
       by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to
                                                                                            3  September
              Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop
                                                                                            Phil Robbins

       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                   16  September
       COUNCIL                                                                              Jennifer Lake

       The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee                                                         22  September
       At the request of the Village Hall Committee the Parish Council invited ideas from   Mike Benjafield
       Parishioners about how they would like to celebrate or mark the Jubilee next June
       at its September meeting and  several suggestions were received. These included
       a photographic display or tapestry focussed on celebrations of Jubilees past, a
       dog  show  or  fete,  and  a  “big  lunch”/street  fayre.  Ideas  will  be  passed  to  the
       Village  Hall  Committee.  Residents  with  any  other  ideas  who  missed  this           HARVEST THANKSGIVING THROUGH
       opportunity  to input into the  discussion may  contact the  Clerk  who will  pass  on                  WORDS AND MUSIC
       any further comments.
       The  Parish  Council  has  a  small  amount  of  funding  to  spend  on  infrastructure
       before the end of the financial year. Councillors are keen to commemorate the                    St. John the Baptist Church, Bere Regis
       Jubilee and will include this discussion as an Agenda item at its next meeting.

                                                                                                              At 6pm on Sunday 3rd October 2021
       Gritting for Winter
       Affpuddle  &  Turnerspuddle                                                             During 'lockdown', did you find yourself saying:  'Aren't we lucky living here,
       Parish  Council  maintains  a                                                               surrounded by stunning countryside, wildlife and local produce'?
       supply  of  salt  to  keep  the
       r o a d    b e t w e e n                                                                Please come and join us in our beautiful church, especially decorated for
       B r i a n t s p u d d l e    a n d                                                             the occasion, for a short service to say thank-you to God.
       Affpuddle  which  runs  past
       Bladen Valley clear. A local                                                                     Then let’s share bread (the Harvest loaf!) and cheese
       volunteer  with  appropriate                                                                       Sarah Welton, Churchwarden  Tel.  471562  Email:
       machinery distributes this as                                                                    
       required.  This  is  to  ensure
       that  residents  can  access

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