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October 2021                         October 2021

       equally  at  home  in  concert
 Introduction to the West Purbeck Profile   halls   and   village   halls,
 Thank  you  for  your  interest  –  and  welcome  to  our  profile  of  the  beautiful  and   delivering   spell-binding
 diverse West Purbeck Benefice. We are praying for the person of God’s choice to   performances   rooted   in
 come  here.  West  Purbeck  is  a  rural  and  holiday  area  of  South  Dorset  between   s p o n t a n e i t y    a n d
 Wareham  and  Dorchester,  shown  blue  on  the  above  map.  The  southern   improvisation,   resulting   in
 boundary is also the Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site, and has some of the   truly   captivating   sonic
 best coastal scenery in the world. Alongside all this beauty are not just our seven   soundscapes.  Following  the
 churches, but five primary schools, two Army bases, large engineering workshops,   success  of  their  critically
 a  science  and  technology  park,  a  railway  station  accessing  London  Waterloo,   acclaimed   debut   album
 and  the  fast  growing  village  of  Wool  with  large  areas  of  new  houses  (and  800   BEA,  their  second  album
 more currently proposed). Most of this would have been unimaginable to Thomas   INKLING  launched  in  May
 Hardy as he wrote his novels based on this area.   2021. Spindle Ensemble are keen to take world class modern classical music out of
       the cities and into smaller communities.
 So  what  can  and  should  the  Church  be  achieving  amid  iconic  views,  large
 agricultural  estates,  picturesque  cottages,  mediaeval  churches  –  and  also  rural   "Philip Glass-style minimalism, Morricone-esque exotica, Japanese-inflected C&W
 poverty  and social housing?  What  is  our  mission to our  population—the farmers,   and Satie-ish romanticism." The Guardian
 engineers, teachers, scientists, retailers, landowners, carers, unemployed, labourers,   “Beautiful  sounds,  definitely  a  band  to  watch…”  Fiona  Talkington,  BBC  Radio  3
 commuters, nurses, hospitality workers, holidaymakers, and the retired?   Late Junction

 We hope this profile will help you to see where we are and where we hope to be   “Such a rich live feel” Gideon Coe, BBC Radio 6 Music
 in  answering  that  question—and  we  hope  it  will  inspire  you  to  take  up  the
 challenge to shape our new benefice and lead us all onward together with God   Further Dates For Your Diary:
 into whatever our expanding future holds.
       Saturday 11  December: ‘A Christmas Carol’ With David Mynne. More information
       to follow.

 A New Benefice
 West  Purbeck  benefice  is  new  —  and  in  the  process  of  formation.  It  was   PURBECK FILM FESTIVAL 2021
 inaugurated on 13th March 2019. Bere Regis and Affpuddle to the north, then in
 vacancy, was joined with its larger neighbour to the south (Wool, Bovington, and   ….  a reminder
 surrounding  villages).  The  Wool  Vicar,  Revd  Carol  Langford,  became  the  new
 Incumbent.  At  the  same  time  Revd  Jenny  Alidina,  a  part-time  self–supporting   Date – Friday 29  October 7 for 7.30 pm
 priest,  volunteered  to  be  licensed  to  West  Purbeck.  In  October  2019  a  new
 Associate  Priest,  Revd  Sandra  Williams,  was  licensed  with  pastoral  oversight  for   Tickets  –  Adults  £6:  Students  and  under  25s  £5  :
 Bere Regis and Affpuddle.   available online
 After  years  of  informal  links  between  Wool  and  the  parish  of  the  Lulworths,  the   Film – ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield.’
 latter  was  joined  to  West  Purbeck  on  29   March  2020.  Following  an  extended   Duration just under 2 hours. Rating PG
 period of ill health, the incumbent for The Lulworths retired in May 2020.   Refreshments on sale.
 These changes, including cover for the Lulworths, were overtaken by the Covid-19   We  will  adhere  to  whatever  Covid  regulations
 pandemic and excellently managed by our whole team, led by the Rector, Revd   are in force at the time.
 Carol. Sadly Revd Carol unexpectedly became gravely ill in August 2020, needing
 indefinite sickness leave. She died on Easter Tuesday, 6  April 2021.   Please telephone Maggie Hoyle on 01929 472733
       for any further information..

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