Page 64 - br-oct-2021
P. 64

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       plus various single arrangements around the Church in the pale colours suggested     BERE HEATH METHODIST
       by Phil's two sons so we think we did the family proud and we also enjoyed the       CHAPEL
       wonderful  opportunity  of  arranging  such  lovely  flowers.  Going  back  to  Tesco's
       finest will not be the same somehow!
                                                                                            Dear Friends,
       As you can see we get involved with a variety of occasions and next month we
       are  having  a  Yoga  evening  on  Wednesday  20th  October  at  the  Sports  Club  in   Though  the  Parish  magazine  we  would  like  to  tell  you
       Bere  Regis  so  please  do  come  along  and  join  us  -  those  muscles  must  need  a   about  a  couple  of  things  that  are  happening  at  the
       workout! For further information please contact our President, Mrs. Di Pitts on 01929   Chapel here in Bere Heath.
       471322 or look on our Facebook page @Bere Regis WI.                                  Saturday 9  & Sunday 10  is our Harvest
                                                                                            On the Saturday we are having our First Buggies and Brunch since the pandemic
       ARTSREACH IN MILBORNE ST ANDREW                                                      started. Its from 2.30pm to 3.30pm and its for Children to come along with their
                                                                                            parents. There will be various crafts and refreshments. ALL our welcome.

       Artsreach   presents   the   acclaimed                                               On the Sunday it’s our Harvest Festival service. Further details from the Stewards
       Cornish bluegrass band                                                               Jackie and Philip Morgan.( 01929 472283)
       FLATS & SHARPS                                                                       On the 7  November our Monthly service will be led by the Rev Gwyneth Owen
                                                                                            at 3pm.
       MILBORNE ST ANDREW VILLAGE HALL                                                      Peter Jenner – Lay worker -
       SUNDAY  10TH  OCTOBER.  7.30PM.  DOOR                                                Tel 01305 751668 , Mobile 07973278791 Email :
       AND BAR OPEN 7PM.
       TICKETS:  ADULTS  £10.  UNDER  18’s  £6.
       FAMILY £28                                                                              Dorset Property Care
       BOX OFFICE: 01258 839060                                                                         Allan Slater
                                                                                                     Based in Briantspuddle
       Tickets also available online at
                                                                                                  Services
       Flats  and  Sharps  are  a  four-piece  bluegrass  outfit  from  Penzance,  Cornwall.       Building maintenance
       Delivering  energetic,  enthusiastic  and  spirited  Bluegrass,  Flats  and  Sharps  have   
       been performing their unique take on this music for over eight years and, during           General joinery
       that  time,  the  band  have  made  their  presence  known  all  around  the  world,       Garden maintenance
       including  multiple  tours  in  Australia,  Europe  and  around  the  UK.  Their  shows     Garden landscaping
       include a  wide  variety  of influences,  from  a fresh and  modern  outlook  on foot-  
       stomping  Bluegrass  material  through  to  their  powerful  and  well-crafted  original      Kitchens
       songs,  with  beautiful  moments  everywhere  in  between.  Their  music  perfectly        Man and digger hire
       blends strong harmonies and stonking solos, and their incredible stage presence
       and energy creates an evening that’ll have you dancing, laughing and singing
       along in no time.                                                                          07973 158092

       Touring Dorset with Artsreach, full information and tickets are available online at                                                            

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