Page 67 - br-oct-2021
P. 67

October 2021                         October 2021


 From the Acting Bishop of Salisbury,
 I  was  delighted  recently  to  be  able  to  issue
 recommissioning  certificates  to  those  continuing
 to  serve  as  Lay  Worship  Leaders,  Lay  Pastoral   I  don’t know if this is  the new  normal  or  not  but it
 Assistants  and  Commissioned  Lay  Pioneers  across   Photo by Ash Mills   definitely  feels  like  we’re  getting  back  to
 the  Diocese.  We  are  grateful  to  all  who  play  a   somewhere like things used to be. It’s marvellous to
 part in the local church in this way, to assist in the leading of worship, visit those   see most of our hirers back making good use of the
 who are ill, co-ordinate baptism preparation, or bereavement care and work with   village hall facilities and we look forward to seeing
 those on the fringes of church life in faith sharing and outreach.   the rest and hopefully some new people using the hall in the not to distant future.
 I  am  delighted  too  that  this  year  we  have  an  increased  number  of  individuals   It’s great to see the members of the community group feel able to start up again
 embarking on training for Licensed Lay Ministry, and who have been licensed for   and  they’re  now  running  the  Saturday  morning  coffee  shop  and  Let’s  Lunch
 that  ministry.  Our  LLMs  are  key  to  the  life  of  the  local  church  as  they  lead  in   programme, welcome back. The village hall café is now able to ease up slightly
 church and society, teach the faith and act as enablers of mission. As we think as   and is just running the Tuesday morning café at the moment. Please feel free to
 a Diocese about Generous Giving it is gratifying to see so many offering their gifts   come along between 10&12 on Tuesday mornings, all the usual teas coffees cake
 to the church and that includes churchwardens, treasurers, and PCC Secretaries   and rolls, bacon sausage and egg available. We may try a few alternatives as the
 too.    autumn  rolls  in  with  maybe  soup  and  a  roll  or  even  a  light  lunch  or  all  day
       breakfast if there’s a desire for it so let us know your thoughts and we’ll see what
 It is so easy however to concentrate on what happens in and around the local   we can do.
 church  and  forget  the  role  that  each  person  following  God’s  call  plays  in  their
 everyday life. The Christian contribution to education, farming, the health service,   Yoga and Pilates classes during the day along with short mat bowls on a Monday
 business,  politics,  social  services,  charity,  local  government,  commerce,  retail,   evening are already happening and so if you’d like to join in any of those either
 leisure, and our local community is enormous as individuals play their part in being   see  the  notices  in  the  hall  or  give  me  a  ring  or  email  and  I’ll  gladly  put  you  in
 the person God calls each one of us to be in the places he has put us. This, as for   touch with the appropriate people. There is an Artsreach event happing on 16
 those  playing  a  part  inside  the  church,  takes  courage  and  confidence  to  be   October  at  7.30pm  ‘SPINDLE  ENSENMBLE’  a contemporary  chamber  quartet will
 people of faith in the world.    be  performing.  For  more  details  please  contact  Deborah  on  07788100273  or
       myself.  On  the  29   October  at  7.30pm  the  Purbeck  Film  Festival  returns  to  the
 We  are  a  diocese  of  disciples,  and  all  need  one  another  to  encourage  and   village  hall  and  will  be  showing  ‘the  personal  history  of  David  Copperfield’.  For
 support  us  in  our day  to day  lives.  So, this  month let  us  not  only  give thanks  for   more details contact Maggie Hoyle or myself.
 those serving in our churches, but intentionally pray for those amongst us who are
 called  to  live  out  their  calling  in  the  world.  We  all  have  opportunities  to  bring   The trustees have started putting ideas together for the festive season, I know it’s
 about  change  for  good  and  by  using  our  God  given  gifts,  with  the   still only early autumn but draw breath and Christmas will be upon us. Barring any
 encouragement of each other and the power of prayer together we have what   return of covid restrictions we are planning a full season of events with a Christmas
 we need to further God’s work across the Diocese and beyond.   Fayre, Christmas lights competition and evening of fun.  As well as a New Year’s
       Eve party to kick off 2022, any ideas or offers of assistance in any of these will be
 +Karen   greatly appreciated.
       The Jenny’s jams along with the food bank box and the collection boxes for the
       air ambulance and Joseph Weld Hospice continue to be available every day in

       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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