Page 61 - br-oct-2021
P. 61

October 2021                         October 2021
    OBITUARIES   initially by some town councillors and older local swimmers who thought that he
       wanted  to  turn  the  site  into  flats.  All  he  ever  wanted  to  do  was  to  keep  the
       structure much the same whilst developing the facilities to include a younger but
 he was  early  on  - a  strict father  and later  on  - game  for  anything
 and great fun. His grandchildren saw only his sparkly eyed fun side –   broader customer base.
 unless they stepped over the line in which case they also got “The Look”. But   He eventually took over the lease which runs until 2017 with his company handing
 above  all  he  was  always  there,  always  supportive  however  difficult  the   over a proportion of its gate takings to the council which ploughs back its share of
 situation.   the profits for maintenance of the pool.  The council no longer makes a loss, the
       older swimmers still have their designated swim area, the large family area is still
 Flower  arranging  was  another  of  Philip’s  skills!  Not  the  arranging,  but  the
 assistance to Audrey in building, carrying and appraising. He also supported   well  used  and  a new  giant inflatable  (the largest in  the  South  of England)   has
 Audrey with her elaborate cake decorating, either formal wedding cakes, or   been installed. Everyone is a winner! The council is still responsible for the structure
 a  full  velodrome  birthday  cake!  His  love  and  care  were  undaunted  and   and  the  chlorination  of  the  pool  (a  relatively  new  feature)  but  Hugo  would
 unstinting during Audrey’s long illness.   eventually like to take over the maintenance.
       “Customers  need  continuity  and  we  were  determined  to  open  seven  days  a
 Phil, to his huge credit, always lived for the present and for the future.    week throughout the summer with no breaks no matter the weather”. Hugo was
 While attending a Jazz Festival, he met Sylvia, and sometime later moved to   also keen to extend the activities of the pool at either end of the season in the
 Bere Regis. Together they have found happiness in singing with choirs (Sylvia   spring and autumn with thoughts of it becoming an activities centre.
 knows  the  notes),  travel,  village  twinning  and  simply  being  in  each  other’s   “The beauty of this place is its uniqueness” said Hugo. Indeed it is, set in this lovely
 company. Sylvia has supported Phil so well during his last illness.   Georgian market town, it was built in 1833 and is the oldest open air sea water
 In a short time Phil found many friends in Bere Regis – he just had to talk to   baths in the UK. The baths gained Grade 2 listed building status in 2012 which limits
 everyone and join in with everything. In many ways it was the village that he   what can be done with the original structure.
 was born in.   Hugo took over the running of the pool in July 2013, so this is his third season. The
 As a partner, father, granddad, friend and helper – the sparkle in his eye, the   pool is a massive 113 metres long and 47 metres wide with an irregular shape. The
 mischievous comment, his enthusiasm and his love will be greatly missed.  A   maximum depth these days is 1.6metres with a hessian basin and pebbles lining
 full life – a good life.   the bottom. With head lifeguard Ashley Booker in charge it employs 22 lifeguards
       throughout  the  season.  Hugo  and  Pauline’s  sons  Louis  and  Felix  are  part  of  the
       team with younger son Fin helping with the cleaning, so it is a real family affair. In
       all 55 students are employed at the pool and are paid well. As Hugo says “It’s a
       growing up job for many”.

       Kayaking  was  already  part  of
       the  pool’s  activities  but  Hugo
       quickly  added  the  inflatable
       obstacle course in 2013. Through
       Aflex   Technology,   a   New
       Zealand  based  company,  it  has
       become  a  distributor  for  the
       product.  Paddle  boards  and
       Zorbs  were  added  in  2014  and
       on hot days the pool can attract
       up  to  1,100  customers,  a  real
       success  story.    Regular  model
       boat competitions are also held
       by the local club.

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