Page 60 - br-oct-2021
P. 60

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       LYMINGTON SEA WATER BATHS                                                            NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

                                                                                            October  is  Conference  season  in  politics,  and I  will
       I  have  often  thought  that  my  small                                             be  heading  to  Manchester  for  the  Conservative
       musings in this column were as much                                                  Party  Conference. Constituents  have already  been
       about the people I met as the pools                                                  in touch with me to request that I meet with various
       themselves. Here in a few sumptuous                                                  charities and organisations whilst I am there. One is
       days  in  July  2015  I  was  to  meet  a                                            the  Alzheimer’s  Society,  who  want  to  discuss  the
       recent  X  Factor  singer,  the  guy  who                                            future of care, and find out more about dementia.
       taught  Frank  Skinner  to  swim  and                                                My  staff  and  I  are  all  trained  as  Dementia  Friends,
       here  in  Lymington,  Hugo  Ambrose                                                  and I will certainly visit the Alzheimer’s Society stand
       who with his friend Guy Quilter rowed                                                to find out more. The recent news about an increase
       the  Atlantic  in  2003  in  their  boat                                             in  funding  for  social  care  is  a  very  important  one,
       Atlantic-Wholff named after the pair’s                                               meaning  that  fewer  people  will  have  to  sell  their
                                                                                            homes to cover the costs of their care.
       six children. Wonderful!
                                                                                            Another  charity  that  many  constituents  have  contacted  me  about  are  the
       In  a  former  life  as  a  property  developer,  Hugo  was  living  in  London  when  he
       rowed the Atlantic from Lugamara, Tenerife to Port St Charles in 59 days. Here was   Guide Dogs for the Blind. Their current campaign is about the issues arising from
       a  successful  businessman  who  began  to  re-evaluate  his  life.  “If  you  spend  2   the use of e-scooters and electric bikes. There is currently a trial running in Poole
                                                                                            of “Beryl” e-scooters. This trial is backed by the Department for Travel, as part of
       months naked you begin to question consumerism and capitalism” he told  me.
       His three sons were very young at the time but he and his wife Pauline decided to
       get out of the rat race. Their first thought was Dorset but they came to Lymington
       and decided “This will do”.

                                                      Putting  their  boys  into  local
                                                      schools,  they  bought  a
                                                      house in  Kings  Saltern Road
                                                      overlooking  the  pool  and
                                                      very quickly saw that it was
                                                      under-used.  By  then  Hugo
                                                      was  running  his  Lynx  Sports
                                                      C o mp a n y    a n d    was
                                                      responsible   for   getting           its  Transforming  Travel  plans  to  reduce  our  reliance  on  cars.  The  scooters  are
                                                      sponsorship  for  the  “three         speed-limited, and users have to have a full or provisional driving licence and be
                                                      blondes  in  a  boat”  Sara           over 16. They are not allowed to be ridden on pavements or pedestrian areas,
                                                      Ayton,    Sara  Webb  and             but may be used on roads and cycle paths. Part of the reason for the trials is to
                                                      Pippa   Wilson.   He   had            establish whether they are a safe and viable option for general use in the future.
       gained  valuable  experience  in  getting  the  money  together  for  his  Atlantic   Whilst operators have to ensure that the e-scooters have a bell or horn to alert
       adventure where they raised £100,000 for the Children in Need fund                   partially sighted and blind people to their presence, I will be interested to speak
                                                                                            to the Guide Dogs charity about their views on these trials.  It remains the law
       At the time the Lymington and Pennington Council was having problems justifying      that privately owned e-scooters are not permitted on public roads, pavements
       the £50,000 to £60,000 loss the baths was making each year and there were many       and cycle paths, and I know that Dorset police are being very pro-active about
       in the town including local councillors who would have been happy to fill it in and   stopping riders, fining them and seizing their scooters.
       close it for good. Hugo had a vision to make it a viable, sustainable asset whilst
       retaining the fabric of the building.  However, his good intentions were not trusted   I’m  delighted  that  along  with  the  start  of  the  new  term  came  the  increase  in

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