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October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       hundred  acres  of  grassland  on  Blackmoor  Estate.  The  grassland  had  a  cottage
       located in it, which Old Bob’s younger brother George lived. George had been in      DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
       the merchant navy and had travelled around the world and now worked on the
       estate in charge of the woodlands. George had two teenage sons and Old Bob           Bovington - Military Exercises
       said  that  George  should  have  sent  his  boys  out  to  pull  up  these  weeds.  This
       created some weird comments from the gang and I learnt afterwards that when          10 - 15 Oct
       George had been told what his brother had suggested he went ballistic.               Bovington  Garrison  will  host  a  Military
       However  when  I  was  managing  the  two  and  a  half  thousand  acres  of  the    Aviation  Exercise  from  10  –  15  Oct  in
       Wexford  North Slobs in Ireland, there was an extensive area of grassland next to    support of National Security Taskings. To
       drainage  waterways,  where  herbicides  could  not  be  used  for  environmental    meet  all  Training  Objectives  up  to  8
       reasons and there was an abundance of ragwort.                                       helicopters  will  operate  daily  between
                                                                                            approximately  0900-0200.  The  aircrew
       There  was  a  gang  of  some dozen  women  employees,  who were  employed  for      are  required  to  achieve  a  number  of
       the grading and preparing potato and other vegetable crops for sale. They also       night  sorties,  so  flights  will  more  than
       were also used to pull wild oats in our cereal crops. Because of these experiences   likely  continue  till  0200  from  Monday
       I felt that they could cope with the removal of ragwort from grassland that was to   through  to  Thursday  in  order  to  achieve  this.    Aircraft  routing  around  Bovington
       be cut for hay. In one particular field I had left it rather late to have the ragwort   Garrison  has  been  planned  to  minimise  disruption  as  far  as  possible  and  the
       pulled and there was a mower working in the same field cutting the grass ready       continued  support  of  the  local  community  is  very  much  appreciated  during  this
       to make into hay as the gang of ragwort pullers arrived.                             essential training.
       Later  that  Day  I  sent  a  man  with  his  tractor  and  trailer  to  collect  the  pulled   If  there  are  any  major  disruptions  as  a  result  of  Military  activity  over  these  dates
       ragwort.  He  returned  very  quickly,  to  tell  me  that  the  women  had  pulled  the   people are requested to call the Army’s Officer, Rich Jenkins (07793 727857) to log
       ragwort but had laid it in piles on the grass that had been cut for hay. I have to   their concerns.
       admit that I didn’t know what to say but I can assure you it would not have been
       suitable for this article if I had managed to say anything.
                                                                                            Citizens Advice
                                                                                            A further contract has also been awarded to Citizens Advice in Dorset (which is a
                                                                                            consortium of Purbeck, Bridport, Central Dorset and East Dorset Citizens  Advice),
                                                                                            who provide information, advice and guidance on matters such as benefits, debt
                                                                                            and money, energy and fuel support and other welfare advice. This contract will
                                                                                            also start on 1 October 2021.  We are very grateful for the work they do and will
                                                                                            continue to work closely with them where required.

                                                                                            Customer Access
                                                                                            Following our phased reopening of customer service points earlier this summer in
                                                                                            Blandford,  Bridport, Dorchester,  Wareham,  Wimborne and  Weymouth,  here is  an
       Now  it  is  the  12   of  September  and  I  can  say  we  had  our  proper  summer  on   update: We are seeing approximately 200 customers per week through our doors.
       Monday the 6  of September, when the temperature climbed above 30 degrees            We  are  resolving  enquiries  such  as  council  tax  payments;  parking  fines;
       centigrade, It only lasted for one day though and we are back into September         homelessness and housing register enquiries; and requests for small bin containers.
       weather now. The swallows must have known about the change to come and we            Our  council  colleagues  and  partners  (e.g.,  Citizens  Advice)  have  been  working
       saw them in huge numbers collecting on the electricity cables that pass over our     with  us  on  more  complex  enquiries  that  cannot  be  resolved  at  ‘first  point  of
       garden.  Normally  they  stay  for  several  days,  increasing  in  number  daily  but  this   contact’ and require the help of a specialist officer e.g.: housing.  We continue to
       year, one day and they were off. I wonder if they know something we don’t.           encourage customers to self-serve online or use the telephone whenever possible.

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