Page 17 - br-october-2019
P. 17

October 2019                         October 2019
       house was provided for him in Winterborne Kingston, where people flocked from
       all parts to hear him.  Persecution drove him to flee to London where he died in
       1689.    He  was  offered £600  a  year,  a  princely  salary in  those  days,  if  he  would
       conform, but he was not tempted.  He was a man of unaffected piety, cheerful
       temper and engaging personality.
       For many years after 1662, private houses were used for meetings, one of these
       being a house in Blind Street.  There are few records about the church until about
       1750  when  the  church  took  a  lease  on  a  building in North  Street,  that  we  now
       know as the Drax Hall!  The Church continued to meet there for the next 100 years
       or  so,  but  as  the  lease  was  on  a  limited  tenure it  was  decided  to  consider  the
       possibility of building a new Chapel.  In 1869 the only available freehold site in the
       village , in Butt Lane, was purchased by Mr. James Wood of Athelhampton and
       given to the church.  On this site a schoolroom was built costing £400, and the
       Manse  also  was  erected  costing  £400.    This  sum  was  provided  by  J.H.  Mundell
       (proprietor of what became Bemister’s Shop).  When the lease on the North Street
       Chapel came to an end it was decided to convert the Butt Lane school room
       into  a  Chapel,  and  this  was  formally  opened  on  9   February  1893.    The  North
       Street Chapel was then vacated and converted into the village hall.
       (Our acknowledgements and grateful thanks are due to the late Mr. Fred Pitfield,
       who supplied the information contained in this historical account.)

       The  church  has  continued  to  be  modernised  and  improved  over  the  past  126
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   years.  Across the top of the front wall inside the church is a beautifully painted
       ‘scroll’ with the words  “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” ( Psalm 96:9)
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   It has been there for over 100 years, and still looks as good as ever.   Beneath it
       hangs  a  large,  plain  wooden  cross  which  reminds  us  of  Jesus’  death  and
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   resurrection.  Under the floor, and usually out of sight, is the baptistery.  This is a
 advertising revenue!!   large oblong pool that is used to baptise believers in Jesus by full immersion.  The
       tiles on the floor of the pool also reveal a cross.   Of these visible symbols of the
       Christian faith the cross is the most important.  Jesus came to this earth and lived
       for 33 years to teach, and to show us what God was like, how much He loved us,
       but  also  how  much  our  sin  (that  is  all  our  wrong  thoughts  and  actions)  has
       separated us from God. When Jesus died on the cross He paid the price for the
       sin  of  the  world  and  provided  a  way  of  forgiveness  for  us.    Our  part  is  to
       acknowledge that we need forgiveness so that our relationship with God can be
       restored.  There is a familiar verse in the Bible that says, “God so loved the world
       that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
       but  have  everlasting  life.”  (John  3:16)    Have  you  responded  to  God’s  amazing
       love by committing your life to Him?
       As a church we are grateful to God for the thousands of people who have been
       part of sharing the good news about Jesus during the 357 years of its existence.
       We pray it will continue for many years to come.
       As  part  of  our  work  in  the  village,  we  have  appointed  a  young  man,  John
       Williams, as a youth worker and evangelist.  John and his wife Joanna, and two

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