Page 12 - br-october-2019
P. 12

October 2019                                                                        October 2019

       Flowers and Cleaning Rota
                                                                                           VILLAGE HALL NEWS
       Date:            Flowers:            Cleaning:
                                                                                            Well I hope that as we head on into autumn everyone
       5 October      Sue Taylor           Elizabeth Whatley
                                                                                            has  enjoyed  the  summer  sun  and  found  some  space
       9 October      Wed morning          Special church clean                             for a little rest and well earned relaxation. Things have
                                                                                            been a bit quieter here at the village hall enabling us to
       12 October     Decorate for Harvest
                                                                                            get the annual deep clean well under way and a big thank you to all those who
       19 October     Elizabeth Whatley    Elizabeth Whatley                                have helped so far in any way and also to those who will be helping as we wrap
                                                                                            up by cleaning the kitchen and the floors in the lobbies and the jubilee room.
       26 October     Christine Coates     Christine Coates
                                                                                            The hall has continued to be part of the hub of the village providing facilities for us
       2 November     Christine Ralls      Christine Ralls
                                                                                            to come to celebrate and be together. Personally it was great to see so many of
                                                                                            you along with friends and family at Amelia’s 21  birthday celebrations in August.
                                                                                            On a somewhat sadder note we have also seen the passing of two members of
                                                                                            our community, Steve Webber, who had previously sat as a trustee on the village
                                                                                            hall committee and Francis Solly who although she and John had fairly recently
       Mowing Rota                                                                          moved  to  be  closer  to  family  returned  to  the  village  for  her  funeral.  It  was  a
                                                                                            privilege to be able to make the hall available to both of their families to join with
                       Area 1       Area 2         Area 3        Area 4                     villagers and other friends in celebrating the lives of two much loved members of
                                                                                            our community. They will be sadly missed.
       30 September –  David Hallatt   Roger Smith   Campbell De   Richard Hall             Heading  on  into  autumn  we  have  a  vast  array  of  activities  coming  up  for
                                                   Burgh                                    everyone to join in with. We have the regular short mat bowls, Pilates, yoga and
       13 October
                                                                                            keep fit.
       14 – 27 October  Richard     Chris Parker   Ian Freeman   Marek Cropper              Mike  Menzies  brings  us  an  exciting  new  programme  of  talks  there  is  sure  to  be
                       Talbot                                                               something of interest for everyone along the way so keep an eye out for exactly

                                                                                            what’s happening when. The church will be celebrating harvest with lunch on 13
                                                                                            Oct  and  a  concert  with  the  Wareham  town  band  in  November.  We  have  the

                                                                                            Purbeck film festival on 25  Oct and Screenbites on the 2  Nov.
                                                                                            Artsreach will be visiting again on 23  November, always very popular.
                                                                                                                                                   Looking   a   little

                                                                                                                                                   further  ahead  but
                                                                                                                                                   giving   you   all
                                                                                                                                                   plenty  of  time  to
                                                                                                                                                   d e s i g n    a n d
                                                                                                                                                   prepare  we  will

                                                                                                                                                   be  repeating  the
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