Page 18 - br-october-2019
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October 2019                                                                        October 2019

        young children Henry and Chloe, have recently moved into the village, we look      MILBORNE MOVIES
        forward to John’s work among us.

        Although  our  building  may  be  tucked  away  out  of  sight,  we  pray  that  its   are showing ‘Fisherman’s Friends’ in
        message of God’s love will be heard and seen throughout the whole village.
                                                                                            Milborne St Andrew Village Hall DT11
        Now that you know a bit more about the Congregational Church in this village,       0JX
        why not visit us one Sunday morning at 10.30.  We are a very friendly crowd and     on Fri Oct 4th.
        you will be very welcome.
                                                                                            Doors and Bar open 7.00; film starts 7.30

                                                                                            A fast-living, cynical London music executive (Danny
        Just a Smile
                                                                                            Mays)  heads  to  a  remote  Cornish  village  on  a  stag
        A  young  boy  in  the  park  reached  out  a friendly  hand  to  a  large  shaggy  dog.    weekend where he's pranked by his boss (Noel Clarke)
        “Don’t touch,” said his mother, “you must not stroke dogs that you don’t know.”     into trying to sign a group of shanty singing fishermen (led by James Purefoy). He
        Quickly  the  boy  knelt  down  and  took  the  dog’s  paw.    “Hallo”,  he  said,  “I’m   becomes the ultimate 'fish out of water' as he struggles to gain the respect and
        Peter.”                                                                             enthusiasm  of  the  unlikely  boy  band  and  their  families  (including  Tuppence
                                                                                            Middleton) who value friendship and community over fame and fortune. As he's
        Father,  resting  after  lunch,  firmly  closed  his  eyes  against  his  children’s  pleas  to   drawn deeper into the traditional way of life he's forced to re-evaluate his own
        “play a game, Daddy.”  At last he felt small fingers move one of his eyelids, and   integrity and ultimately question what success really means.
        heard one child confide to another, “He’s still in there.”
                                                                                            Mike McCahill of The Guardian said:
                                                                                            This  gentle,  sweet-natured  comedy  has  warmth  and  a  certain  X  factor  of
                                                                                            likability, helped by big-hearted performances from a cast including Daniel Mays
                                                                                            and Tuppence Middleton.

                                                                                            Theatre Fideri Fidera - Ogg n Ugg n Dogg
                                                                                            Tuesday 29 October, 10am, in the Village Hall,
                                                                                            Milborne St Andrew, DT11 0JX
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 Tickets £6, £5 u18s, £20 fam.
       CHAPEL                                                                               Post show: arts & crafts workshop available for ages
                                                                                            4+. 40 minutes, places limited. £3 each.
       There will not be a Service during October at Bere Heath                             A long time ago there were no dogs  – there were
       Chapel  this  month,  our  Harvest  service  having  taken                           wolves, but we didn’t like them and they didn’t like
       place late in September.                                                             us. But then along came Yorkshire hunter gatherers
       Our usual monthly ‘Buggies and Brunch’ will take place                               Ogg ’n’ Ugg to pall up with the wolves, invent our
       on  a  Saturday  morning  during  October  but  the  exact                           best  friend,  and  save  us  all  from  a  life  of
       date has still to be confirmed.                                                      doglessness! Audiences can expect flying meat bones, sabre-toothed tigers, slug
                                                                                            tastings, time travelling sticks, loads of scary howls and (if they’re lucky) even a
       Our next Service will be on Sunday 3rd November at 3.00pm , and this will be led     chance  to  pat  Dogg!  Using  Fideri  Fidera’s  characteristic  rich  mix  of  theatrical
       by Rev John Walker.                                                                  forms including physical comedy, clowning, puppetry, music and song, Ogg ‘n’
                                                                                            Ugg  ‘n’  Dogg  is  for  families  and  dog  lovers  of  all  ages.  Touring  Dorset  with
                                                                                            Artsreach,  the  county's  touring  arts  charity,  following  a  sell  out  tour  last  spring
                                                                                            with ‘Oskar’s Amazing Adventure’. Suitable 4+

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