Page 21 - br-october-2019
P. 21

October 2019                         October 2019


 This  group  was  founded  in  2015  and  is  a  non  profit   BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
 making. It meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in The
 Stable  Bar  at  the  Drax  Inn  on  West  Street  at  8pm.  The   Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480
 group is run by Pip Evans.  The artist are usually local and
 play  for  free,  all  are  pre-booked  for  the  evening.  The
 Stable Bar is a quiet venue and not in the main bars of   Vice Chairman:   Bryan Benjafield   07969
 the pub.                                 770890  uk
 There  are  no  entry  costs  except  on  one  or  two
 occasions  when  we  have  to  pay  for  the  artist.  As  the   Parish Clerk:    Amanda   472327
 landlord does not charge for the room the audience is   Crocker
 requested to buy a drink at the bar (for those who do   Websites:
 not drink alcohol, tea, coffee and a variety of soft drinks are available) and buy a
 raffle ticket any monies are used to keep the sound systems in good repair and
 various minor costs.  A wide variety of acoustic music is sung and played on an
 amazing  amount  of  different  instruments.    The  evenings  are  low  key  and  very   The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  12th  September  2019  at  the  Drax  Hall.  6
 friendly and all are welcome. Here are 3 dates for your diary;   members of the public were present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 10
        October  at  the Drax  Hall,  starting  at  7pm.  All  parishioners  are  very  welcome  to

        attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns at the start of
 Tuesday October 15th in the Stable Bar, The Drax Inn, at 8pm
        the meeting.
 An interesting and varied night of acoustic music by The Last Inklings (Cello and

 Mandolin), Sam Stockley, Sophie and Richard plus Kevin Anderson.

 12th November at 8pm The Stable Bar, The Drax Inn    The land on which the allotments are situated, opposite the Royal Oak is currently
        up for sale as part of a larger sell-off of land by the Drax Estate. In order to try and
 Alison Groot and Tatiana Hargreaves two talented ladies from Canada and North
 Carolina.  Scintillating traditional music with a twist.  Drawing on the roots of old   ensure  the  continued  use  of  these  allotments  by  residents,  and  to  hopefully
 time and bluegrass, this exceptional duo features 2 gifted young musicians who   improve  the  process  for  those  wanting  to  rent  one,  the  Parish  Council  have
 are already leading lights in the new generation of American roots music.   recently submitted a bid to buy the land. We will keep you posted on any future
 Tickets are £10 each in advance and £12 on the door.  Tickets are available from
 Pip Evans or you can reserve from
        Recreation Ground

 Tuesday 17th December 8pm The Stable Bar, The Drax Inn   We were happy to support the Sports Club in their efforts to purchase the part of
        the recreation ground which is also up for sale, and will continue to do anything
 Our Christmas themed evening featuring McFlute, Robin Greenwood, Doc Clark's   we  can  to  help  their  bid  and  ensure  this  vital  part  of  the  community  facilities
 Remedy plus another to be confirmed. It should be fun.
        retains its current use.

 Looking forward to meeting you at our next evening in October.   North Street Gate Consultation
        The Parish Clerk recently carried out a consultation with residents of North Street

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