Page 15 - br-october-2019
P. 15

October 2019                         October 2019





                       Affpuddle harvest festival advert
 Trialling a new approach to road verge cutting and other
 action to support sustainability.
 The Parish Council has asked the Dorset Council Ranger service to trial “cut and
 collect”  on  road  verges  between  Briantspuddle  crossroads  and  the  B3390.  This
 means  that  instead  of  flailing  the  verges  and  leaving  the  cut  material  on  the
 verge to decompose, it is collected for disposal elsewhere. It is early days for this
 technique and the current equipment only functions efficiently on fairly horizontal
 and even surfaces. However, the Parish Council looks to the longer term potential
 of cut and collect to reduce the plant nutrient levels in verges which have built up
 over  the  years  because  of  nitrogen  oxides  from  vehicle  exhausts,  agricultural
 inputs,  and  the  mulching  effect  of  the  current  approach.  Certain  plant  species
 such as cow parsley and nettles thrive in large areas of the verges at present, but
 the  expectation  is  that  as  nutrient  levels  are  reduced    a  wider  range  of  wild
 flowering  plants  will  develop  and  vegetation  growth  overall  will  become  less
 vigorous. This should result in less need to cut and greater biodiversity overall in the
 verges.  More  attractive  verges  with  richer  flora  and  fauna,  safer  road  visibility,
 lower  costs  and  lower  emissions  are  outcomes  we  are  looking  to  achieve.  If
 worthwhile gains can be demonstrated, we will look to introduce the approach
 more widely.
 The  Parish  Council  is  mindful  of  the  importance  of  lowering  greenhouse  gas
 emissions,  thereby  supporting  Dorset  Council’s  declaration  of  a  climate
 emergency  in  May  of  this  year.  The  Parish  Council  has  consulted  Low  Carbon
 Dorset on the actions it can take to reduce emissions and is committed to having
 representation at events currently being planned specifically for Parish Councils.
 The groups who make use of the buildings on land owned by the Parish Council in
 Briantspuddle are currently considering whether to approach Low Carbon Dorset
 to have their eligibility assessed for technical assistance and possible grant aid to
 help them with actions to reduce carbon emissions.

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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