Page 14 - br-october-2019
P. 14

October 2019                                                                        October 2019

       A NEW TENANT FOR THE VICARAGE IN BERE                                                S137 and S133 Grants
       REGIS!                                                                               Each year the Parish Council has set aside a sum of money which can be applied
                                                                                            for by local organisations for projects which will be of benefit to residents within
                                                                                            the  parish  of  Affpuddle  &  Turnerspuddle.    This  year  the  Parish  Council  had
       At the beginning of October, we welcome the Reverend Sandra Williams to our          budgeted £500 for such awards.
       community. On the 2  October she will be licensed and installed as an Associate      The parish Council received two applications a summary of both are produced
       Priest  in  the  Benefice  of  West  Purbeck  of  which  St  John  the  Baptist  and  St   below;
       Laurence’s are now part.
       Sandra and her husband, Graham, will live in the Vicarage and she will take most       Applicant   Purpose of   How the proposal will benefit the Parish or all   Quotation
       of the services in Bere and Affpuddle. However, she will be a member of the team      and amount   the grant         or some of its inhabitants
       and  will  also  take  services  in  other  churches,  usually  once  per  month,  in  the   applied for
       Benefice in the same way that our Rector, Carol Langford and other  Associate
       Priests, will take services in our two churches.                                     Affupddle    A new large    Local  residents  are  buried  in  the   £899
                                                                                            PCC          mower to          churchyard  and  it  is  important  to
       Sandra will not work full time. She will work 3 days in the week and on Sundays. On               cut the           their  families  that  the  grounds  are
       the  three  days  a  week  she  is  not  working,  urgent  duties  will  be  carried  out  by   A   grass in the    well maintained.
       either Rev. Carol Langford or one of the other Associate Priests. This means that    contribution   large
       from  the  community’s  point  of  view,  there  will  always  be  a  priest  available  if   of £200 (or   churchyard.    It is a beautiful situation and a facility for
       needed. It also means that we do not ask our clergy to do too much but allow         whatever the   The             all, people often take time to just sit
       them  time  off,  which  we  all  need.  Sandra  will  normally  work  Wednesdays,   PC feel      previous          and think by the river.
       Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. Contact details for the Rector and other clergy      appropriate).   mower is    Mowing  and  strimming  is  needed  to
       will be found in the Parish Magazine.                                                             beyond            maintain safe access to all areas.
       We all appreciate this has been a time of transition and change, something that
       will continue for a short while to come as everyone settles into their new roles and   BVHC       To purchase    The annual deep clean is currently carried   £750
       the future plans for the benefice emerge. Thank you for bearing with us. Please                   a floor           out  manually  by  volunteers.    This  is
       join us for the service on 2  October to welcome Sandra as a new member of our       A            scrubber to       an  arduous  task  and  not  fully
       team.                                                                                contribution   clean the       effective.
                                                                                            of £700      non-slip
       Elizabeth Whatley, Stephen Sanderson, Sarah Welton, Joan Naylor                                                  Benefit comes from easing the work load
                                                                                                         flooring in       of  volunteers  and  maintaining  the
       Church Wardens                                                                                    the village       village  hall,  a  parish  asset,  at  the
                                                                                                                           highest possible standards.

                                                                                           Councillors voted to approve a grant of £200 to each organisation to support their
                                                                                           respective applications.
                                                                                           Councillors would also like to take the opportunity to thank all volunteers who work
                                                                                           so hard throughout the parish in support our community.

                                                                                           Refuse Collection – Recent interruption to normal services
                                                                                           The  Parish  Council  has  been  in  correspondence  with  Dorset  Waste  Partnership
                                                                                           about  the  recent  interruption  to  normal  services.    A  combination  of  staff

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