Page 22 - br-october-2019
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October 2019                                                                        October 2019

       and  the  Townsend  Business  Park  and  houses,  in  order  to  get  feedback  on  the   BERE REGIS WI
       possibility of moving the gate which is currently at the edge of the Sports Club car
       park, further down to the junction with the last house in Townsend and the road to
       the Shell Garage. The reasons behind this are to hopefully improve the safety of    Like  the  schools,  it  was  back  to  normal  for  Bere
       the residents in those houses at Townsend, who have offered to pay some of the      Regis WI in September.  For our first meeting after
       costs for moving the gate themselves. The consultation had a mixed response but     the  summer  break,  local  artist,  Marilyn  Allis,  gave
       we will continue to consider all options, take further traffic engineering advice and   us a short watercolour painting demonstration.  In
       ensure that opinions from all those involved are taken into account.                only  an  hour,  Marilyn  was  able  to  convey  the
                                                                                           ‘rules’  for  watercolour  painting  while  effortlessly  putting  them  into  action

                                                                                           producing a beach scene featuring her daughter as a child at Weymouth beach.
       Community Assets
                                                                                           Following  on  from  providing  a  short  notice  ‘emergency’  afternoon  tea  for  36
       In the light of recent events at the Sports Field, the Council discussed the possibility   touring members of the National Trust at the end of September, October seems to
       of adding some of the local businesses and amenities on to the Community Asset      be a food themed month.  At our monthly meeting, The Watercress Company, will
       Register. This would ensure that in the hopefully unlikely event that any of  these   be telling us everything we didn’t know we needed to know about growing and
       businesses  could  no  longer  continue,  the  Community  would  have  an  option  to   selling watercress.  Why not join us on 16 October 2019 at 19:30 at the Sports and
       make an offer to purchase and continue to run them. The clerk is looking into the   Social Club to be learn more about this nutritious local crop and share a hearty
       registration process and checking what type of assets can be registered.            bowl of watercress soup?
                                                                                           We’re also pleased to be hosting the Woodbury Hill Group Harvest Supper on 30

       Donation from Mid-Summer Bere Fest                                                  October 2019 at the Scout Hut.  This event is held biannually for the Woodbury Hill
                                                                                           Group of WIs (Bere Regis, Milborne St Andrew, Not Just the WI (Lytchett Matravers)
       The Council generously received a generous donation of £50 from one of the stall    and Sandford) and provides a great opportunity for members of our local WIs to
       holders  at  The  Mid-Summer  Bere  Fest  and  were  asked  to  choose  which  local   get together for a friendly catch up and to share ideas.
       organisation  to  grant  it  to.  We  unanimously  decided  to  award  it  to  the  Carers
       Group,  run  tirelessly  by  Mechelle  who  organises  events  and  meetings  for  local   To round off the food related activities for the month, the Lunch Club will visit The
       carers to help them continue the fantastic support they provide.                    Scott Arms in Kingston on Thursday, 3 October 2019.
                                                                                                                       Stitch  and  Twitch  will  continue  its  new

                                                                                                                       programme of open meetings on Wednesday, 24
       Environment Group Reorganisation
                                                                                                                       October  2019  from  9:30am  to  noon  at  the  Bere
                                                                                                                       Regis  Sports  Club.  Despite this  author’s  short  but
       We  have  now  split  our  Environment  Group  into  2  smaller  groups,  to  help  give
       better focus to specific areas. The Wildlife Conservation Group will consist of Amy                             vocal campaign to continue the food theme into
       Yeats,  Councillor  Tony  Bates  and  Mike  Gee,  with  a  new  Parish  Amenity  Group                          this session (appliqué apple block anyone?), this
       formed, consisting of Councillors Robin Pitcher and Laurie Fairhurst, to focus more                             month we’ll be continuing our more sensible and
       on the Park, Rights of Way and Street Furniture around the village, and to provide                              straightforward  project  to  create  a  quilt  for
       support to the Lengthsman. We always welcome more volunteers though, so if you                                  Project  Linus  UK  –  a  charity  that  provides  new
       wish to be involved with either of these groups, please contact the Clerk, Amanda                               homemade  quilts  and  knitted  blankets  for  sick
       Crocker, for further information.                                                                               and traumatised babies, children and teenagers.
                                                                                                                       As  usual,  all  materials  and  equipment  will  be

                                                                                                                       provided,  together  with  light  refreshments.
       Purchase of Speed Indicator Devices (SID)                                                                       Please  do  join  us  for  what  is  usually  a  very  jolly
                                                                                                                       and enjoyable session.
       Recently  we  have  been  discussing  the  option  of  purchasing  a  portable  Speed
       Indicator Device in order to try and reduce the speed of vehicles in certain areas   For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
       around the village. In order to do so, we need to have some traffic surveys carried   Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
       out  by  Dorset  Council,  who  will  shortly  be  fitting  survey  strips  at  various  points   about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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