Page 19 - nov-2022
P. 19

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       To blow up the King and the Parliament                                               The Atheist’s Prayer                 Should  you  deign  to  cast  an  eye  on
       Three score barrels of powder below                                                                                       me,
                                                                                            You,  whose  might  no  man  can     Take  pity  on  the  mortal  in  the  atheist
       Poor old England to overthrow                                                        measure,                             you see.
       By God's providence he was catch’d                                                   Whose  worth  is  more  than  earthly
                                                                                            treasure,                            Then by whisper in your still small voice,
       With a dark lantern and burning match
                                                                                            You who sits in regal splendour,     You say, all is calm rejoice,
       Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring                                         Creator of such awesome grandeur,    And know within that all is well,
       Holler boys, holler boys                                                             Who am I to question you?            Although outside is little less than living
                                                                                            I am but one of more than just a few.   hell.
       God save the King!
                                                                                            Should  you  deign  to  cast  an  eye  on
       In my mind, we can see the providence and protection of God in the history of        me,                                  These things give me cause to wonder.
       our nation. God preserved the freedom for the gospel to prosper by protecting        Take  pity  on  the  mortal  in  the  atheist   It  seems  no  less  than  boob  and
       Great Britain from threats such as the Spanish Armada and the Gunpowder plot.        you see.                             blunder,
       Previously,  the  established  church  had  banned  the  population  from  having                                         That man should possess such power,
       personal access  to the  Bible  in  their  own  language and  had  enforced  religious   I stand before your throne and shake.   To make creation cringe and cower.
       conformity  upon  everyone.  Martyrs  such  as  Ridley,  Latimer,  Hooper  and  others
       fought for the freedom of personal conscience and conviction when it came to         Your voice of thunder makes the earth   Who am I to question you?
       religious belief and practise. Whilst being burned at the stake, Latimer turned to   shake,                               I am but one of more than just a few.
       Ridley  and  said  “Play  the  man,  Master  Ridley;  we  shall  this  day  light  such  a   The sky, the mountains and the birds,   Should  you  deign  to  cast  an  eye  on
       candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” Despite the   And  many  other  works  too  beautiful   me,
       decline  of  Christianity  in  the  UK  today,  this  light  is  still  burning  today.    for words.                     Take  pity  on  the  mortal  in  the  atheist
                                                                                            Who am I to question you?            you see.
       So  this  November,  not  only  will  the  nights  draw  in  ever  darker,  but  as  we  look
       around  at  the  world  and  at  our  country  perhaps  we  sense  that  we  are  in  a   I am but one of more than just a few.              Paul J Openshaw
       particularly dark and difficult time. We have a cost of living and energy crisis, we
       have  turbulence  in  Downing  Street,  war  in  Europe,  as  well  as  a  host  of  other
       problems. It has been said the darker the night, the brighter the light, and I would
       encourage you  to  in  this  time  of  unrest  to seek  the  Jesus  Christ,  the  light  of the
       world, the same yesterday, today and forever.                                                                             Did you Know?
       Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world! The one who follows me                                 Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered
       will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.- John 8:12                                            to your door each month if you live within the
                                                                   John Williams
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                                                                                                                         Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison
                                                                                                                         Debenham    or  471780

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