Page 16 - nov-2022
P. 16

November 2022                       November 2022


 We have been up and running now for
 six  months  in  our  new  format  on  our
 new day the first Thursday of the month.
 The organizers  have been very pleased
 with  the  talks  and  members  keep
 coming back and we get new faces all
 the time.  It is important to get together
 for a laugh and chat and a tea.
 In  October  Steve  Belasco  gave  us  a
 talk on the Dorset Coast.  Not the talk I
 had  hoped  for  but  he  bought  us
 another one still on the Dorset Coast. I hope members enjoyed it.

 I think we will have him back later next year for the original planned talk with a
 microphone.  The pictures, coupled with Steve’s knowledge of history and wildlife
 on  the coast was fascinating.  We are putting together next year’s programme
 and need ideas and volunteers.  Steve’s talk was followed by tea including cake
 and sandwiches.
 On Thursday 3  November Its Party time.
    The  Autumn  leaves  was  started  fifty
 years ago by Kath Jeeves to provide an
 opportunity  for  people  to  meet  up  for
 tea  and  a  talk  and  other  fun  activities
 and  it  kept  going  right  up  until  the
 Pandemic.  We are going to have a look
 back  over  the  history  of  this  club,  all
 those  trips  by  coach  to  Sidmouth,
 concerts,  meetings  fun  and  laughter.
 We  will  be  having  a  special  tea  with
 music  and  entertainment  remembering
 what a fantastic club this is and why in these difficult times, we should still get out,
 and meet people.  I get days when I stay in watch the news, think about it, and
 wonder where we will all end up.  If you go out and meet friends you feel more
 positive and optimistic and you have things to look forward to.
 Please come along to our Party at the Scout hut on 3  November at 2. 30 p.m.
 You do not have to be a member.    We will mark the Birthday of our club the
 original Autumn Leaves.  We can remember these early pioneers, what they got
 up to and think positively about the next fifty years.

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