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November 2022                                                                       November 2022

                                                                                            MILBORNE MOVIES

       Book of Condolence

       During the period of mourning for our late Queen, most public places opened a        The  advertised  film  we  will  be  showing  in
       book  of  condolence.  We  had  a  book  open  just  inside  the  door  at  Affpuddle   Milborne St Andrew Village Hall is as follows: -
       Church. After the funeral people were asking “what do we do with the Book of
       Condolence?”  One  answer  I  got  was  “I  don’t  know”  and  another  answer  was
       “put it in the safe”. So, before I put it in the safe, I read it. The number of nouns   OPERATION MINCEMEAT
       and  adjectives  to  describe  our  magnificent  Queen  was  very  impressive.  There
       were stories of meeting the Queen, of nearly meeting the Queen, of seeing her        Friday  18th November 2022 at 7.30pm
       efforts  transform  places,  of  hearing  her  sense  of  humour,  of  her  stalwart   Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St
       upstanding, of her careful restraint.                                                Andrew DT11 0JX
       I was at a Polo match where the tradition is that the crowd walk onto the pitch to   Doors and bar open 7.00
       heel in the divots at each quarter. No, the Queen did not walk onto the pitch but
       held pleasant conversation with some of her guests – much more difficult.            Tickets  cost  £5,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an
       I don’t have any spare time to watch TV, but when I pass through the sitting room,
       the program has so much controversy, antagonism, and challenge that I find it
       very unpleasant to watch. I guess it is what sells the story (and the adverts). But   It's 1943. The Allies are determined to break Hitler's grip on occupied Europe, and
       that  is  television.  It  is  not  the  real  world.  I  have  a  different  approach  to   plan an all-out assault on Sicily; but they face an impossible challenge -- how to
       antagonism and aggression than I did in my youth                                     protect  a  massive  invasion  force  from  potential  massacre.  It  falls  to  two
       When I was at school, I was captain of boxing (broke one chap’s jaw, knocked         remarkable  intelligence  officers,  Ewen  Montagu  (Colin  Firth)  and  Charles
       one chap out) and captain of Rugby. I played tight head prop for my University       Cholmondeley  (Matthew  Macfadyen)  to  dream  the  most  inspired  and
       1  XV. People didn’t used to mess me about. - But the years have modified my         improbable disinformation strategy of the war -- centered on the most unlikely of
       approach.      Have    you    ever   sai d   to   your   neighbour     -             secret agents: a dead man. Operation Mincemeat is the extraordinary and true
       “I suppose it is quite tall. I can cut it down at the weekend”                       story of an idea that hoped to alter the course of the war -- defying logic, risking
                                                                                            countless  thousands  of  lives,  and  testing  the  nerves  of  its  creators  to  breaking
       Matthew 18:22 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times           point.
       shall  I  forgive  my  brother  or  sister  who  sins  against  me?  Up  to  seven  times?”
       22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.

       So,  at  the  end  of  70  years  service,  what  will  they  say  about  you?
       What are they going to write in the Book of Condolence at your wake?
       Isaiah 9:6 … and he shall be called wonderful …”
                                                                   Mike Menzies
                                                   Church Warden, LWL, Affpuddle

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