Page 17 - nov-2022
P. 17

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       By The Rt Revd Karen Gorham , Bishop of Sherborne

       It has been so encouraging to see, following the death of our beloved Queen,
       people finding comfort and solace in our church buildings and within our liturgies.
       The ability to say a prayer, light a candle or remember a loved one are enabled
       by our open doors and warm welcomes.
       I  have  met  a  number  of  people  these  last  few  weeks  who  have  particularly
       commented on the welcome they have received within our churches. Such was
       the welcome that they decided to stay, became involved and grew in faith as a
       result. That is wonderful testimony to God in action, as we look out for the stranger
       and the searcher with the eyes of Christ and share with them the joy, love, hope
       and hospitality of the Gospel.
       November is traditionally the month for remembrance, so the continued desire for
       individuals,  perhaps  with  delayed  grief  following  the  Covid  years,  to  find
       expression  in  Christian  ritual  within  our  churches  will  continue.  Yet  Christ’s
       command  to love extends far beyond  those who come  into our buildings,  and
       includes looking outwards providing for those in need, by sharing what we have,
       and welcoming in the least, the last and the lost.

       This winter the Warm Spaces initiative invites us to partner with others in our town
       and villages to offer a welcome place for all those desiring shelter, warmth, and       Dorset Property Care
       company. It may be that we support an initiative in our local village hall or library,           Allan Slater
       or it  may  mean  we  invite  others  to  help  us  provide  that  space  in  our  churches   Based in Briantspuddle
       buildings which are already being heated for worship.                                       Services
       As Thomas Long writes in his book ‘Beyond the Worship Wars “We show hospitality             Building maintenance
       to strangers not merely because they need it, but because we need it, too. The               General joinery
       stranger  at  the  door  is  the  living  symbol  and  memory  that  we  are  all  strangers   
       here.  This is  not  our  house,  our  table,  our  food,  our  lodging;  this  is  God's  house,      Garden maintenance
       table, food, and lodging. By God’s grace we are all welcome.’                               Garden landscaping
                                                                    Bishop Karen                   Kitchens
                                                                                                   Man and digger hire
                                                                                                   Waste carrier licence

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