Page 14 - nov-2022
P. 14

November 2022                    November 2022

       their usual pools and ponds. Along with all land managers and perhaps especially
       this year, we needed to do our best to reduce wildfire risk and make sure the fire
       and  rescue  service  would  know  the  layout  of  our  land  should  they  ever  be
       required to make an appearance.

       Currently, we are carrying
       out  a  bit  more  felling  of
       exotic  conifers  and  now,
       conversely,  hoping  that
       the dry ground conditions
       will  hold  a  little  longer!  If
       persistent  rain  should  set
       in,  so  that  the  ground
       becomes  too  soggy,  we
       will  have  to  call  a  halt
       again  till  next  year.  There
       is only a fairly short period
       between  the  end  of  bird
       nesting  and the  arrival  of wet  weather. Getting  contractors  on  site in that  short
       window is always a challenge, as they can so easily be unexpectedly held up on
       their previous job.
       We just have to accept what nature sends and work with it as best we can – even
   Paul   07788 185048    when those  trees we  might  have preferred to stay  upright  do fall – they  are  all
   Martin   01929 289323   part of the cycle of life.
 Electrics                                         Mike Menzies – Church Warden
 Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty
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