Page 23 - nov-2022
P. 23

November 2022                                                                       November 2022
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                                     that  haven’t  been  used  for  years,  can  be  risky.  Watch  for  signs  of

                                                                                                 dangerous  or  loose  wiring,  such  as  scorch  marks,  hot  plugs  and  sockets,
        As  the  weather  turns  colder,  I  am  pleased  that  the                              fuses that often blow, or circuit breakers that trip for no obvious reasons.
        government  is  supporting  households  with  energy                                     If you’re drying clothes indoors rather than use a tumble dryer, keep them
        bills.  Credit  on  energy  bills  will  be  £66  a  month  until                       well away from the heat source so they can’t catch fire.
        March,  and  the  Energy  Price  Guarantee  which  is
        keeping bills lower than first forecast. It’s important to                                                                Air fryers and  microwave ovens are
        note that you do not need to apply for this support –                                                                great at saving energy when cooking, but
        ignore  emails  or  test  messages  telling  you  to                                                                 please    read   the   manufacturer’s
        complete forms to get the money – these are scams.                                                                   instructions and keep them clean between
        For  those  not  on  mains  gas,  there  is  also  a  support                                                        uses.

                                                                                                                                  Getting  chimneys  swept  when  you
                                                         payment     of   £100                                               have a woodburner or open fire is essential
                                                         towards  heating  costs.                                            to reduce the risk of chimney fires. Also be
                                                         This is in addition to the                                          careful   of   what   you   burn;   green
                                                         targeted  support  for                                              (unseasoned) wood may seem cheap, but
                                                         t h o s e    on    l o we r                                         it doesn’t create much heat and it creates
                                                         incomes.  I  know  that                                             a  residue  that  can  easily  catch  alight
                                                         s o m e    e n e r g y                                              within the chimney.
                                                         companies    are   still                                                 Get  your  boiler  serviced  –  a  well
                                                         raising direct debits very                                          maintained  boiler  is  more  efficient  and
                                                         high –  please  do  make                                            reduces the dangers of carbon monoxide
                                                         sure these are based on                                             poisoning.
                                                         your  actual  usage,  not
                                                      estimated bills. There is also            Only  use  the  correct  charger  for  mobile  devices.  Although  it  can  be
        support for businesses, keeping bills lower through the Energy Bill Relief Scheme.       cheaper  to  buy  imported  and  unofficial  chargers,  fake  ones  are  often
                                                                                                 made with poor quality components that fail to meet UK safety regulations.
        There is also lots of advice and support from local councils, and you can find links     This means they can cause injury, electric shocks and even fires.
        to this and other help and advice on my website:
        cost-living-advice  The  government  is  also  legislating  to  provide  support  for      Make  sure  you  follow  the  manufacturer’s  instructions  when  using  wheat
        households,  like  Park  Home  owners,  who  may  not  benefit  from  the  credit  on    bags – don’t heat them for too long, or at too high a temperature.
        energy bills. We are also changing the way renewable energy prices are linked
        to global gas prices to protect consumers.                                          The Fire and Rescue Service offers free Safe & Well advice, which can include a
                                                                                            home  visit  and  the  provision  of  smoke  and  carbon  monoxide  detectors.  To
        Following the appointment of our new Prime Minister, I have been given a new        request this for yourself, a family member or a vulnerable person, please call 0800
        role  in  government.  I  am  now  His  Majesty’s  Solicitor  General,  working  under   038 2323 or visit
        Britain’s  most  senior  law  officer  the  Attorney  General.  This  means  that  I  will  be
        providing legal advice to the government, and also considering unduly lenient
        sentences.  When  a  person  is  convicted  of  serious  or  violent  crime,  they  are
        sentenced  by  a  judge,  using  sentencing  guidelines.  If  anyone  thinks  the
        sentence is too lenient, they can it refer it to the office of the Attorney General,
        and we then consider the case. If I think the sentence was too lenient, I will refer
        it to the Court of Appeal for review.

        I  will  also  be  answering  questions  at  the  Dispatch  Box  in  Parliament  on  legal

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