Page 18 - nov-2022
P. 18

November 2022                       November 2022

 Unusual Pets, Chris Nother    OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

 Pterodactyl   I take my pterodactyl   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
       for exercise and flight
 To keep a pterodactyl    to the hills just up the road   Bere Regis Congregational Church (
 is not an easy task,   and fly it like a kite.
 then, why have I just got one,         Sundays  10.30am  Morning  Service,  Taken  by  visiting  preachers,  or  our
       Youth Worker, John Williams.
 is a question you may ask.   At night my pterodactyl,
       as I get my dressing gown,      Our  services  also  go  out  live  on  YouTube  (
 I chose my pterodactyl,   will perch inside my wardrobe   BereRegisChapel or search ‘Bere Regis Chapel).’
 for all its charming ways,   and sleep there upside down.   Mondays at 7:30pm STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 I loved the way it looked at me
 with friendly, tender gaze.   To keep a pterodactyl,   Tuesdays  at  7.30pm  Bible  Study  and  Prayer,  meeting  in  the  Manse  and
       also on zoom.
        no easy task, I've said
 To keep a pterodactyl   but if, like me, you have one,   Wednesdays  at  9.30am  Chapel  Toddler  Group,  contact  Suzie  on
 takes lots and lots of care,   what else would do instead?   07962142552
 you have to feed it twice a day      Autumn has been a time that has signalled change and transition at the Chapel.
 and clean up everywhere.   Chris Nother   After  three  years  of  being here in  a  part-time  role, I will  be  moving  on  at  some
       point in 2023 and the Chapel will be looking for someone new to come in in some
       sort  of  capacity.  Whilst  arriving  shortly  before  Covid  presented  unprecedented
       challenges,  I’ve  enjoyed  my  time  at  the  Chapel  and  my  family  and  I  have
      BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP   enjoyed the short time we’ve spent in the village too.
       November is among the darkest and coldest months of the year. We are seeing
 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be on   less sun, having colder days and nights, and with the cost of energy, people are
 Tuesday  8   November  at  2pm  in  Tarrant  Keyneston   having to be very careful with their spending and usage. Yet, November is one of
 village  hall.    This  is  the  club’s  special  Open  Christmas   my favourite months of the year. For one thing, my wife and I both have birthdays
 Demonstration   by   national   demonstrator   Coral   in  this  month.  But  the  main  reason  is  that  I  enjoy  celebrating  bonfire  night  on
 Gardiner,   well   known   for   her   entertaining   November 5th. The famous poem that marks the occasions goes like this:
 performances!   Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

 Tickets priced £12 (£6 to club members) are obtainable   Gunpowder, treason and plot.
 f r o m    c h a i r m a n    B o b    H o l m a n,  tel 01305 848262 or any   I see no reason
 committee  member.    We  look  forward  to  welcoming
 you for this very special afternoon.   Why gunpowder treason
 Following this on Tuesday 6thn December, the club has a celebration Christmas   Should ever be forgot.
 lunch at Winterborne Kingston village hall for members.  Our secretary, Sheila Cox,   Guy  Fawkes,  Guy  Fawkes,
 organises and cooks a sumptuous buffet for us all – an event we all look forward   'twas his intent
 to with great pleasure!

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