Page 22 - nov-2022
P. 22

November 2022                       November 2022


 The 1889 Earthquake felt at Bere Regis

 The earthquake mentioned in the Bere Heath School log-
 book by the Mistress, Miss Horth, was felt over a wide area
 of  northern  France  and  southern  England  and  had  its
 epicentre just off Normandy. Slight damage was noted on
 both  sides  of  the  channel,  in  England  from  Penzance  to
 London and as far north as Worcester.

 Northwest  Europe  is  not  a  serious  earthquake  zone  but  over  a  hundred  small
 quakes have been recorded in the UK since 1839. There are known fault-lines off
 the East Kent coast, also not far from the Wales-England border and another one
 centred  on  a  small  village  in  Cumbria,  together  with  others  in  Derbyshire  and
 Nottinghamshire. There was even an earthquake in Cornwall in the 1980s, but this
 occurred  when  disused  mines  in  the  county  were  being  considered  as  nuclear
 dump sites, so that could have been an example of the power of prayer.
 The  30th  May  1889  event
    resulted  in  doors  opening,
 doors shutting, plates falling
 off   dressers,   the   odd
 ancient  wall  falling  over
 and  rocking-chairs  starting
 to  rock.  The  most  severe
 effects include church bells
 starting   to   ring   and
 chimney  pots  falling down,
 although  a  slight  shaking is
 all  that  seemed  to  have
 been felt at Bere Regis, but
 it  would  have  been  very

 A church in Essex after the 1984 earthquake   John Pitfield, Projects Secretary

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