Page 30 - BR May 2023
P. 30

May 2023                                                                             May 2023
       Coupled with this field of rubbish was another problem, lurking beneath a large
       area  of  bramble  and  nettles  at  the  entrance  to  the  site,  tyres.  Again,  after   FIRST THURSDAY CLUB
       inspection, we contracted a company to remove and dispose of the tyres for us.
       The totals that came back to us were startling:                                      (AUTUMN LEAVES)
            82.6  tonnes  of  waste,
             predominantly  plastic  and                                                    Our  April meeting was a talk on beekeeping
                                                                                            by local beekeepers Ian Ventham and Philip
             including asbestos.                                                            Morgan.    Ian  came  fully  dressed  for  the
            5.5 tonnes of car tyres.                                                       occasion  in  his  bee  protection  suit  and  Phil
                                                                                            bought a hive with brood and honey frames.
            22 tractor tyres                                                               The  talk  was  accompanied  by  a  PowerPoint
                                                                                            presentation  on types  of bee,  the  life cycle and lots of interesting facts.   Once
            40 lorry tyres                                                                 again we had over 40 people turn up.  After the talk we served up a tea with a
                                                                                            honey flavour.
            Over 100 litres of waste oil and other liquids.                                On May 4  our speaker is Jo Belsasco, who writes in the West Dorset Magazine.
                                                                                            Her subject is Dorset Legends and Landmarks.  I think this is a new talk and she is
       I'm happy to say that this has now all been cleared from the site, making it safe
       for livestock to graze in the fields, and for visitors to enjoy themselves without the   going  to  add  some  Dorset  Royal  stories  to  the  talk  as  we  are  only  a  few  days
       risk of injury.                                                                      before  the  Coronation.    There  will  a  red  white  and  blue  coronation  tea
       As ever, if you would like to get in contact with me (Seb) about Wild Woodbury,
       then please feel free to message me at          In June we have a wildlife photographer David Bailey giving us a show of wildlife
                                                                                            photographs so keep the first Thursday in June free

                                                                                                                                   Elm Vintage Teas offers
                                                                                                                                   vintage tea party events.

                                                                                                                                    All occasions catered for:

                                                                                                                                   Wakes      Celebrations of life
                                                                                             Contact us:
                                                                                             Web -     Christenings       Birthdays
                                                                                             Email -   Anniversaries     Weddings
                                                                                             Phone – 07368 976046

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