Page 32 - BR May 2023
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May 2023                                                                             May 2023
       underwater, feeding on algae and
       plants.  In  the  summer,  the  adults
       h a t c h    o u t    -    s o m e t i m e s
       simultaneously  and  in  their
       hundreds; they have very short lives
       often  just  hour.  During  this  short
       time they display and breed. Many
       species  do  not  feed  as  adults  as
       their  sole  purpose is  to  reproduce,
       dying  once  they  have  mated.
       Adult mayflies are delicate animals
       with  broad,  clear  wings  that  have
       a lace-like appearance, very short
       antennae  and  up  to  three  very
       long, fine tail bristles. They hold their wings vertically, closed over their backs. The
       Common Mayfly has a creamy-green abdomen with distinctive brown markings
       towards the rear end, three long, black tails, and translucent, spotted wings.

       Wild Woodbury
       Seb Haggett, the Dorset Wildlife Trust Community Ranger at the site, is producing
       a  regular  newsletter  providing  information  on  what’s  happening  at  the  site,
       volunteer activities, wildlife spots etc. If you would like to receive the newsletter or
       volunteer   at   future   sessions   please   contact   Seb   by   email   -

       Contact Us
       If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
       included on our mailing list, please contact:
       Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
       Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

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