Page 29 - BR May 2023
P. 29

May 2023                              May 2023

 BERE REGIS   If you have walked around or nearby Wild Woodbury recently, I hope you have
       noticed  the  amount  of  wildlife  that  is  present  on  site.  Scrubland  bird  numbers,
 Are  you  interested  in  learning  more  about  the  food  you  can  find  in  the  wild?   such as Skylark and Yellowhammer, have once again increased this Spring, with
 Perhaps you could turn your hand to making an outdoor oven for the Bere Regis   many  singing  on  territories  around  the  site.
 community?                            Skylark  in  particular  have  increased  from  2
                                       singing males to at least 50 in just 18 months.
 If so, workshops taking place on Thursday 18 May with local organisation Activate,   This increase in down to the massive increase
 could be right up your street. You are invited to join workshop leaders Maria and   in  suitable  habitat  and  food  availability  on
 Ramon to discover more about our natural environment. Learn to forage for wild   site. As well as our resident species, migrants
 food with Maria and build an outdoor oven with Ramon. Food and community   are  once  again  travelling  through  to  their
 are at the heart of these workshops.    breeding  grounds.  We’ve  had  sightings  of
                                       multiple Wheatear, lots of warblers including
 Thursday 18 May 2023                  Chiffchaff  and  Blackcap,  and  many  other
                                       species. It should be any day now that we’re
 2pm & 6pm – Foraging with Maria
                                       also  hearing  Cuckoo  and  seeing  Hobby
 6pm  –  Outdoor  oven  building  with   hunting on site.
       A very exciting development has been
 The  workshops  are  free  to  attend   the  recent  introduction  of  livestock  to
 but  please  register  in  advance.   some  of  the  site,  with  original  (rare)
 Families  are  welcome,  the   breed  Hereford  cattle  now  on  one  of
 workshops  are  suitable  for  children   our  fields.  They  will  stay  here  for  a  few
 aged  8+,  all  children  must  be   months, whilst we look to increase their
 accompanied by an adult.    numbers  and  hopefully  get  some  old
       breed horses, before moving them onto
 Sign up here:    a wider part of the site. These old breed

 Or by phone: 01305 260954   species will have huge positive impacts
       at  Wild  Woodbury.  By  introducing  low
       levels  of  mixed  grazing,  and  letting
       these  natural  processes  lead,  we’ll  be
       working  towards  a  dynamic  mosaic  of  habitats  where  the  different  types  of
       vegetation  (trees,  flowers,  bare  ground  etc)  are  in  a  constant  flux.  This  ever-
       changing  landscape  will  provide  the  most  niches  for  species  to  colonise  and
       exploit, leading to an increase in both biodiversity and bioabundance.
       One  of  the  roads  through  the  site  is  a  clear  hotspot  for  fly-tipping,  with  beds,
       toilets, tyres, and plenty of other items appearing on a weekly basis. Annoying as
       this is, it didn't prepare us for what we were going to find on the site itself. Many of
       the fields at Wild Woodbury have historic names, one of which was 'rubbish', and

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their   underneath a capping of soil, it certainly lived up to its name. Years of waste had
       been  piled  up,  before  being  capped  over  with  some  soil  and  the  vegetation
 advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of   above allowed to grow.  After some rootling around, we mapped the area and
 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!   employed  some  contractors  to  dig  up  and  dispose  of  the  waste.

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