Page 33 - BR May 2023
P. 33

May 2023                              May 2023

 Contrasts                                       GARDENING CLUB

 After every day comes the sombre night,
 In the darkest shadow there’s a little light,   Martin  Young’s  talk  on  creating  a  butterfly
 In the golden sunshine there’s a little shade,   garden gave  us  a  very  knowledgeable talk  on
                                     Butterflies and some moths.  Their life cycle and
 There’s always hope as depressions fade.   what  they  like to eat.    The rules  appear  to be,  do not  be  too tidy,  have a  few
       weeds ivy and nettles  (very good plants),    Plant   lots of brightly coloured little
 Amongst all the joy there’s a little sorrow,   flowers, such as buddleia and flowering shrubs.  Do not forget fruit trees bushes
 A sad today may mean a bright tomorrow.   and fruiting shrubs.  Martin bought a few useful and pretty plants along so some of
 When tragedy strikes and a happy time ends,   our members have now got these planted in the parish.
 We can always rely on family and friends.   With  the  cost  of  living  crisis  and  recent
       shortages  in  fruit  and  vegetables  maybe

 In every sad loss there’s a little gain,   the  time  has  come  to  think  about
 Time slowly heals to ease the pain.   vegetables.   I hope to attract new people
 As one chapter ends with that closing door,   to our talks by having a talk on 2  May on
       Growing organic vegetables.  The meeting
 Far  away  there’s  a  sunrise  to  warm  once   takes place in the village Hall at will start at
 more.   7.30  p.m.      Our  speaker  is  Brian  Hesketh
       who    is   an   experienced   allotment
 Eileen Richardson   vegetable  grower.        If  you  are  growing
       your own then pop along there will be lots
       of  tips  about  making  your  own  compost,
       watering putting up barriers and companion planting or just enjoying vegetables.
 Unusual Pets: Three-toed   Maybe we should think about preservation, freezing and coping with a surplus.
 Sloth and Weasel   Looking further ahead we are not having an annual plant sale in May this year.
       There is a lot going on in May (coronations and extra Bank holidays).  In June the

 I used to keep a three-toed sloth,   FOBRS are having a plant sale over two days 16  and 17  June at Ian Ventham’s
 I also kept a weasel   in Shitterton.  Please can our members support this event by bringing and growing
 and I would try to paint them both   surplus plants and garden bric a brac.  It is better to have one big event with lots
       to sell.  We may get some younger members.
 when I sat down at my easel.
 Sloths are slow, as everyone knows,   In June there is no meeting on the first Tuesday.  On Wednesday 14  June we are
       travelling for an outing to the Dorset  Wildlife Trust Centre at Kingcombe in West
 who've seen them in zoo cages,   then why would mine not hold a pose,   Dorset  to  see  the  wildlife  gardens
 but prance about for ages?                  there  and  hopefully  the  wildflower
 Weasels are quick, very nervous too,        meadows.    This  will  be  an  afternoon
                                             outing.    Meet  at  the  Kingcombe
 so unlikely to be steady,                   centre at  2.30 p.m.    There  will  be tea
 yet  mine  would  pose  the  whole  day     and cake available at a cost of £5.00.
 through                                     I  need  to  give  an  estimate  for
 whenever I was ready.                       refreshments so please email me if you
 Chris Nother                                wish  to  come  and  I  will  be  taking
                                             names at our next meeting.

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