Page 34 - BR May 2023
P. 34

May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       BERE REGIS WI                                                                        Easter ‘86

       On  Wednesday,  5th  March  the  Ladies  of  Bere                                    On Thursday my spouse said ‘We need adventure!’
       Regis  WI  donned  their  "Lycra  outfits"  for  an                                  A trip in the motorhome could be just the cure.
       evening  with  Sylvia  Salcedo,  a  fitness  trainer,                                So we set off on Friday through Dorset to Devon –
       who  gave  them  exercises  and  tips  to  get  them
       moving  in  the  morning  and  help  build  up                                       I tell you, in awful weather, it’s far from heaven!
       balance and strength as they get older. Those members of a certain age were
       allowed to remain seated whilst excercising and the evening was a great success      We stopped on the way to make a sandwich for lunch,
       with much laughter  and  ended with  a cup  of  tea  and a  beautiful  cake  made    In the limited headroom we started to hunch.
       from the Dorset Ginger Company recipe book from last month.                          Then on to Newton Poppleford to find a suitable site,
                                             What  happened  to  them  all  the  next       Somewhere to park up and rest for the night.
                                             day will not be mentioned!!
                                                                                            There were pigs in the field right next to our site,
                                             We  all  enjoyed  our  March  Lunch  at        If they got in with us it would worsen our plight.
                                             the Weld Arms in West Lulworth with its
                                             rather unusual menu. It has long been          Next day we travelled on through desolate moors,
                                             a most popular Restaurant as it is very        A land of narrow lanes, of mist and rocky tors.
                                             close to Lulworth Castle.
                                                                                            They had forecast bad weather, high winds and a gale,
                                             Our next Lunch Club meeting is at the
                                             Sports  Club  Hall  in  Bere  Regis  on        Those we had – and heavy rain – snow – and hail!
                                             Thursday, 27th April at 12.45 when we          When we found the planned campsite, they’d had quite a flood
                                             shall again enjoy a Soupasandwich.             We couldn’t venture in there – we’d stick in the mud.

       On the 8th May, Coronation Day, it has been suggested that we have a table at        We tried in the entrance but started sliding about,
       the Picnic at the Sports Club and we also could plant a tree, an Oak, near the
       School grounds in honour of our new King.                                            If we’d gone any further we’d have needed towing out.
                                                                                            We found a better site – a place with hard standing,
       We  have  also  been  asked  if  we
       would like to form a Skittles team                                                   After muddy grass it was such a happy landing.
       and  three  of  our  Members  are
       taking  part  in  walking  Netball.  So                                              Later that evening I thought ‘It’s been no fun today’
       there are a lot of decisions to be                                                   I was happy when he said ‘Shall we go home on Sunday?’
       made  and  we  hope  for  lots  of                                                   Encased that night in sleeping bag, huddled against the cold
       support  at  our  AGM  on  the  19th
       April from new and old Members.                                                      Wearing as many woollies as the bulging bag would hold.
       Life with the WI you Learn, Laugh,                                                     Tucked up and entombed just like a cacoon
       Love and Inspire.
                                                                                            The sight of home comforts just couldn’t come too soon.
                                                                                            Now we are back and our adventure is over –
                                                                                            Sitting by the fireside, I’m suddenly in clover.

                                                                                                                                        Eileen Richardson

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