Page 26 - BR May 2023
P. 26

May 2023                                                                             May 2023
       always  making  sure  items  were  discussed  properly  and  fairly,  whilst  ensuring
       meetings run smoothly and without distractions.                                      reflection  and  that  of  the  trees  and  hedgerow.
                                                                                            Through gaps in the hedgerow I see the geese, silent
       This does mean we have a vacancy arising for a Parish Councillor. If you would be    now  in  the  water  meadow  as  they  take  their  rest in
       interested in this, please contact the Clerk on               the cold, marshy, frost encrusted meadow.  With the
                                                                                            mist  hovering  above  the  meadow  it  is  a  beautiful

                                                                                            scene  bathed  in  moonlight.  Such  scenes  are
       Neighbourhood Plan                                                                   impossible to photograph so  must be savoured and
       We have finally received some communication from the representatives for the         committed to memory, more special by the fact that
       Drax  Estate,  regarding  potential  developments  on  the  land  at  Back  Lane  and   just like the geese arriving I am probably the only one
       North  Street.They  have  informed us  that  Wyatt  Homes  have been  confirmed as   who will see it on this cold moonlit December night.
       the  preferred  developer  for  both  but  the  legal  arrangements  are  still  being   Reaching the  end  of the  path I step  out  onto Gully
       finalised.                                                                           Lane,  the  old  moss  encrusted  finger  post  offers
                                                                                            familiar options. I turn left and head towards the Kite

                                                                                            Hill  turning  a  short  distance  away.  Reaching  the
       Annual Parish Forum                                                                  turning  I  stand  by  another  old  moss  covered  finger
       We  will  be  holding  our  Annual  Parish  Forum  on  15   July  in  the  Scout  hut  from   post, right for Kite Hill and Piddle Wood or straight on
       10am.  The  Forum  provides  an  opportunity  to  find  out  more  about  what  else   to   follow   the   Piddle   valley   water   meadows   to   Tolpuddle.
       happens around the parish and local groups will be invited to attend and give an     It is now closer to 2am than 1am so I have a dilemma. My heart says on down the
       outline of their activities over the last 12 months. The Forum is not a Parish Council   valley to Tolpuddle then cut up to the Roman road and back through Rogers Hill
       meeting but provides an opportunity for residents of the parish to find out more     Farm to Bere.
       about what happens around the parish and to raise any issues they may have.          I know it well and love to walk the Roman road at night, imagination of those who
                                                                                            went before flows easily and you can feel their presence. My head says turn up
                                                                                            Kite  Hill  and  into  the  welcoming  darkness  of  Piddle  Wood  and  its  nocturnal
                                                                                            secrets.  In  the  end  compromise  wins.  I  will  head  on  down  Gully  Lane  and  cut
                                                                                            through the pathway across the water meadows to Briantspuddle stopping at the
                                                                                            wooden  footbridge  over  the  Piddle.  It  is  a  fine  spot  to  see  owls  hunting  the
                                                                                            meadows,  some  time  there  then  back  to  Kite  Hill  and  up  into  Piddle  Wood
                                                                                            eventually heading back to Black Hill and Bere.
                                                                                                                       Gully  Lane  is  bathed  in  moonlight  as  I  make  my
                                                                                                                       way  down.  The  monochrome  landscape  as
                                                                                                                       detailed  as  daytime  so  bright  is  the  moon,  the
                                                                                                                       shadows  as  long  as  at  sunrise.  Reaching  the
                                                                                                                       pathway  I  turn  left  towards  Briantspuddle.
                                                                                                                       Crossing  the  water  meadow  I  soon  reach  the
                                                                                                                       wooden footbridge over the Piddle, just the odd
                                                                                                                       light still on in the sleeping village ahead. There is
                                                                                                                       something  about  being  out  whilst  others  sleep
                                                                                                                       that  gives  an  even  deeper  appreciation  of  a
                                                                                                                       world that many never encounter.
                             or Brenda House on 01929 471255
                                                                                                                       Leaning on the bridge I again look down into the
                                                                                                                       silver  water,  the  river  mist  even  thicker  now.  The
                                                                                                                       ghostly  scene  is  almost  supernatural.  The  mist
                                                                                                                       hangs  seemingly  suspended  and  hovering  over

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