Page 25 - BR May 2023
P. 25

May 2023                              May 2023

 the  sodden  water  meadow,  illuminated  by
 the   moon   and   enhanced   by   the      BERE REGIS NEWS
 monochrome of night.

 I  am  briefly  reminded of the old black  and   BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
 white  version  of  Hound  of  the  Baskervilles,
 Basil  Rathbone  as  Holmes  tracking  the
 diabolical  hound  across  the  moor.  Mist   Chairman:         07900 906278
 hovering  just like tonight above the boggy   Mathers
 terrain of Dartmoor.
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890
 No mournful howling hound tonight though,
 just the whispering chalkstream and a silent   Chairman:  Benjafield
 Piddle  valley.  No  owls  either,  the  water
 meadow  is  waterlogged  and  their  prey  is   Parish   Amanda   07855 396073
 elsewhere.  I  head  back  across  the  meadow  to  Gully  Lane  and  retrace  my   Clerk:     Crocker
 footsteps to the Kite Hill turning.
 I walk up the hill, Piddle Wood looms black ahead. Probably foreboding to many
 but  it  holds  no  danger,  just  a  nocturnal  world  to  be  explored  and  immersed  in
 once that instinctive fear of the dark is overcome. Reaching the old chalk pit just   The Parish Council met on Thursday 13  April 2023 in the Village Hall for our April
 before entering the wood I turn and look back. This is one of my favourite Dorset   Meeting.  Two  members  of  the  public  were  present.  Members  of  the  press  and
 views by day or night. The Piddle valley below, the great forest and heath above,   public are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start. If
 stretching  seemingly  all  the  way  to  the  Purbeck  hills.  A  lifetime  of  work  for  the   you  are  unable  to  attend  but  wish  to  submit  a  comment  or  question,  please
 nightwalker right on the doorstep.   contact the Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
 Entering  the  wood  the  black  perspective  as  seen  from  the  foot  of  the  hill
 disappears as the moonlight penetrates and lights the way. On into the wood I      King Charles III Coronation
 go, climbing uphill again the path twists and snakes ahead. I feel the eyes upon
 me from the left, it is steeply banked and a favourite spot for sika. The odd rustle   The Coronation of King Charles III is on Saturday
 gives  them  away,  no  warning  cry  or  bolting  just  acceptance  and  observation.    6   May.  To  celebrate  it  has  been  agreed  to
 On I go passing the little water hollow and rope swing, the moon is bright enough   hold  a  community  picnic  at  the  Sports  Club
 to make out the shapes of sika down by the water. Go there in daylight and you   Recreation  Ground  on  the  Bank  Holiday,
 will see their hoof prints in the mud all around their drinking spot. I keep meaning   Monday  8   May  from  2pm.  Music  has  been
 to  go  there  at  dusk  one  night,  tuck  away  and  watch  them  emerge  from  the   confirmed,  with  a  BBQ  and  the  bar  will  be
 shadows to drink.                   open.  We  do  ask  if  anybody  wishes  to  park
                                     near the site, that they are mindful of access for
 Walking on I reach the woodmans hut. Across the valley somewhere near Rogers   North  Street  residents,  and  leave  access  for
 Hill a fox barks, I stop to listen waiting for an answering call. I never tire of hearing   emergency  vehicles  down  the  lane  alongside
 foxes communicating with their variety of calls. When the return call comes the   Long  House.  Ongoing  thanks  to  Judy  Newton  for  organising  the  day  and  co-
 closeness catches me unawares, not twenty feet away from me another barks in   ordinating all the various groups.
 response. Now that lets you know you are alive and makes the skin tingle....those
 old   instincts   can   be   suppressed   but   never   leave   you   fully!
 Onward  again,  senses  still alive  from  the close  encounter I pass  on  through  the   Parish Council Vacancy
 wood  emerging  eventually  on  the  pathway  alongside  the  field.  That  is  another
 fine  view  in  daylight,  all  the  way  to  the  Purbecks.  I  soon  pass  the  old  dairy,   Following a period of four years on the Council, including the last two as Chair, we
 testament  to  better  times    and  values  and  am  again  on  Black  Hill.  Another   regrettably received the resignation of Councillor Moira Mathers at the meeting.
       We would like to thank Moira for her constant hard work and devotion to the role,

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