Page 27 - BR May 2023
P. 27

May 2023                              May 2023

 NIGHTWALK....CHASING SHADOWS   More specific details will be announced in the coming weeks.

    Bidding a silent farewell to Susan and leaving the   Bench outside of Nisa
 Rev  Ettrick  to  his  demons  I  continue  to  Throop.   With removal ofthe bench outside of shop in West Street due to deterioration, the
 Shortly upon entering the little hamlet I bear right   Parish  Council  has  agreed  to  purchase  a  new  bench.  If  you  wish  to  make  a
 down  the  bridleway  that  runs  alongside  the   donation in memory of a loved one, in return for a plaque on the bench, please
 Piddle.  Crossing  the  little  stone  bridge  I  again   contact the Clerk on In the meantime, we would like to
 pause  to  look  down  into  the  whispering  silver   thank Jagtar Singh Dhesi at the Nisa shop for providing a temporary replacement
 stream, thick with river mist rising into the still night   until the new bench arrives.
 air. The temperature is still dropping fast and the
 grass  thick  with  frost  glistening  in  the  moonlight.
 Heading  down  the  path  a  ghostly  figure   Dog Mess
 approaches. Gliding silently along the path line a
 barn owl comes towards me around twenty feet   We  still  receive  constant  complaints  of  dog  mess  being  left  around  the  village,
 above, beautifully silhouetted in the moonlight. It   particularly  on  the  paths  around Souls  Moor  and  Elder  Road,  which  are  heavily
 passes  overhead  and  continues  on  its  way,  considering  me  neither  threat  nor   used  by  parents  and  school  children,  but  more  recently  on  the  pavements  on
 prey. I turn to watch it rise above the tree line, heading for the water meadows   West Street. Whilst there is little we can do to stop this, we would always urge dog
 below Turners Puddle to go about its deadly business.   owners  to  be  responsible  and  think  of  the  consequences  for  others  who
       encounter this.
 On down the path I reach the tree lined pool where
 the water meadow relief channel meets the Piddle.
 The bare ancient oak at the head of the pool looks   Wildlife Group
 magnificent  in  the  moonlight.  With  its  rope  swing
 hanging  silently  and  sinisterly  above  the  river,  how   The   wildlife   group
 many  children  have  enjoyed  that  spot  over  the   planted  a  row  of  native
 centuries and what stories it could tell. Unfortunately   trees  grown  from  seeds
 the equally ancient oak and its rope swing that sat   by  Mike  Gee  which  we
 alongside  the  ford  I  passed  earlier  was  lost  to  the   hope   will   make   an
 winds  a  couple  of  years  previously.  It  will  hopefully   attractive  edge  to  the
 live on in the memories of those who enjoyed it.   n a t u r e    r e s e r v e
       fence   next   to   the
 The pool is a noisy spot tonight. The relief channel is   pathway   beside   the
 running  full  and  pouring  into  the  river,  twisting  and   school grounds.
 swirling  as  they  come  together  as  one  seaward
 bound. Such a contrast to sitting under that oak in
 the early hours of a Summer night, the river low and   Next Meeting
 running  with  the  faintest  whisper  hardly  audible
 against the sounds of the night.   The next meeting will be the Parish Council AGM which will held on Thursday 11
       May  2023  commencing  7pm  at  the  Village  Hall.  If  you  wish  to  have  an  item
 I sit under the oak watching and listening, sika graze in the field past the far bank,   added  to  the agenda for discussion,  please  contact the Clerk  or  a member of
 unafraid of my presence with the river between us. A watchful stag the only one   the Parish Council by the end of April.
 who pays me attention.
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield
 Off again I continue down the path alongside the rushing relief channel. The path
 is  flooded,  nearly  to  the  top  of  my  boots  but  passable  with  care.  As I  walk  the
 ripples  I  push  ahead  of  me  reflect  the  moon,  it  dances  ahead  between  my

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