Page 16 - br-may-2020
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May 2020                                                                             May 2020
                                                                                           Zoom  or  Teams.    There  will  be  time  set  aside  for  public  participation  at  the
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                 beginning of the meeting.  This will last for a maximum of 30 minutes, with each
                                                                                           parishioner having a maximum of 3 minutes to speak.  Anyone who has an issue
                                                                                           to raise or would like to submit a comment about an agenda item can contact
       Coronavirus                                                                         the  Parish  Clerk  at  or  by  calling  01305  849596  if  they
       We  are  currently  in  the  front  line  of  this
       programme  implementing  a  variety  of                                             The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday the
       government initiatives and schemes and                                              13 th   May.  Please  check  the  Parish  Council  section  of  the  Community
       the situation is very fluid, changing daily.                                        Website  nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the
       I am loathe to write a report that is very                                          meeting.
       out  of  date  by  the  time  it  appears  in
       print!  As  a  result,  I  have  been  writing                                                                                           Sue Jones, Chairman
       progress reports every few days to Parish
       Council clerks and others, leaving them                                              Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details
       to forward as appropriate.
       We have instituted weekly update meetings with Dorset Council’s (DC’s) MPs and       Parish Councillor/   Email Address                         Telephone
       me, the leader, the Chief Executive and others as required. These have proved        Clerk                                                      number
       very useful and all the MPs have commented as to how effective and proactive         Anna Bendall – Parish
       DC is. We are using our MPs to act as a focal point on our behalf and we have        Clerk                m
       Simon Hoare (North Dorset) arguing our case for funding to meet the additional       Sue Jones - Chairman         01929 471375
       duties  placed  upon  us  and  Chris  Loder  (West  Dorset)  as  the  focal  point  for
       improving Digital and Superfast Broadband coverage. We are also answering a          Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663
       lot  of  their  questions  because  we  are  strangely  in  a  situation  where  we  are   Chairman
       sometimes  better  informed  that  they  are!  In  addition,  the  DC  Coordinated
       response  Team  are  working  with  the  major  voluntary  Sector  Organisations  who   Lizzie Guinn               01305 848916
       have also publicly stated their satisfaction with the arrangement, but as always,    Graham Lightfoot        01929 471498
       still much more to do.
                                                                                            Sarah Lowman               01929 472702

       Community Shield                                                                     Stuart Chorley                  01929 472869
       Obviously, the key and most important element of DC’s response to the Corona         Trevor Poole            01929 471496
       virus pandemic is how we help reduce the impact and spread of the infection.
       Government has passed many responsibilities down to Councils to achieve this.
       Laura  is  leading  on  this  and  has  been  holding  daily  meetings  to  manage  and   MILBORNE MOVIES
       coordinate  our  response  to  support  those  individuals  and  families  that  are
       extremely  vulnerable  and  need  to  shield  from  face-to-face  contact  for  a
       minimum  of  twelve  weeks.  Every  week  we  hold  a  video  conference  for  all  our   The  lock  down  has  stopped  Milborne  Movies  but  it  will  be  back  as  soon  as
       Councillors  and  at  these  meetings  Peter  answers  all  the  written  questions  that   possible. We have some very good films already planned for showing, including
                                                                                            Judy,  Downton  Abbey,  Rocketman,  and  Blinded  By  The  Light.  If  you  haven’t
       Councillors have submitted, and Laura updates the Council on the sterling work
       she is doing. She has also been appearing on TV, Radio and Social Media, in her      thought  of  coming  to  one  of  our  shows,  why  not  give  it  a  try,  once  we  are  all
                                                                                            allowed to mix together again – perhaps come with some friends: it’s fun to have
       effort to get the message across.
                                                                                            a  drink  or  icecream  from  the  bar  at  the  interval,  and  talk  to  others  if  you  are
       There are potentially 6700 vulnerable people, although this number is growing. We    feeling sociable.
       are conducting a phone assessment with everyone on the list, with teams stood
                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Ryan

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