Page 14 - br-may-2020
P. 14

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                               VILLAGE HALL NEWS

        This month will surely rank as one of the strangest in                             Well, what a strange world we seem to be
        our  recent  history,  culminating  in  a  glorious  Easter                        living  in.  It  only  seems  a  short  time  ago  I
        weekend where we have all been instructed to stay                                  was writing about the vast array of events
        at home… If over Christmas it had been suggested                                   that were taking place in December as we
        that  in  a  few  short  months  we  would  be  telling                            headed  towards  celebrating  Christmas
        people not to travel – positively discouraging tourism                             and how things carried on as we partied in
        to Dorset! - not to go to work, or school, not to visit                            2020  and  feasted  and  danced  through
        their  families  -  I  doubt  that  many  would  have                              Burns night. And now we find everything so
        believed it.  The churches have been closed for the                                strangely  quiet.  There  are  no  regular  or
        first time since 1208. We are asking teachers to keep                              occasional bookings for the village hall for
        schools open in the holidays. Pubs have been shut.                                 the  foreseeable  future.  The  jolly  noises  of  a  Saturday  coffee  morning  seem  a
        We are living through unprecedented and worrying                                   lifetime ago, and the anticipation of an Artsreach performance is so far ahead we
        times, and it is not yet over.                                                     can’t even really get excited about it and we’re all staying at home as much as
                                                                                           possible to stay safe.
        As  I  write,  the  Prime  Minster  has  just  come  out  of  hospital,  and  thousands  of
        people  are fighting this awful virus. Our health services are working as hard as   And yet the hall has found a new lease of life offering daily shelter to those able to
        they  can  to  help  people,  and  the  entire  machinery  of  government  –  both   venture  out  to  the  village  shop  in  the  mornings.  It  offers  a  place  for  the
        national and local are working together to fight the pandemic.                     newspapers  and  orders  to  wait  for  their  volunteers  to  come  and  collect  them
                                                                                           whisking them off to those of you who are having deliveries brought to your door.
                                                           As soon as Parliament
                                                           rose   for   recess,   I        The hall has become a place where although rigorous social distancing is in place
                                                           returned  to  Dorset.  I        neighbour can pass a few minutes each day with neighbour as they wait their turn
                                                           have   had   regular            to use the shop and post office.
                                                           conference  calls  with         And so at  such a time as  we find ourselves in, the constancy of the village hall
                                                           local  councils,  with          continues to be a place for some form of social interaction and a place that is
                                                           the  police  and  fire          available for the benefit of the whole community. Please don’t rush down for a
                                                           services,  our  NHS  and        chin  wag,  that’s  against  the  rules,  but  be  assured  that  for  as  long  as  this
                                                           C  l  i  n  i  c  a  l          uncertainty goes on the certainty is that the hall will continue to be available for
                                                           Commissioning  Group            all of us to benefit from.
                                                           a n d     o t h e r
                                                           organisations.  I  have         And  once  this  is  all  over  the  laughter  enjoyment,  learning  and  general
                                                           spoken   to   many              opportunities the hall has provided in the past to enhance all of our lives will return
                                                           headteachers,  vicars           with vigour.
                                                           and    leaders   of             Stay safe, stay well and please don’t be backwards in coming forwards if there is
                                                           voluntary   groups              anything that can be done to make this time easier for you. The Parish  helpline
                                                           about everything that           number is 07745 796118 or email Someone will ring you
        they are doing to support our communities. Many hundreds of constituents have      or  email  you  back  and  organise  a  volunteer  to  help  you  out.  Whether  that’s
        been  in  touch  asking  for  clarification  for  their  businesses,  or  support  in  their   prescriptions, shopping or even a chat just contact them.
        community or help for elderly relatives and friends. I have been very impressed
        by  the  help  and  support  that  communities  are  giving  each  other.  Many    Stuart Chorley, Chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
        businesses  are  having  to  adapt  –  pubs  becoming  pop-up  shops,  restaurants
        delivering take-aways, shops turning to online ordering. I am also very grateful for    07818078191

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