Page 13 - br-may-2020
P. 13

May 2020                              May 2020


 On Monday the 16th of March 2020 a small meeting was convened under the
 auspices of the Parish Council to consider what measures this parish could put in
 place to help our residents cope with the impact of Covid19 and any restrictions
 or advice given by the Government. Representatives were invited from each of
 the organisations which operate within the parish and joined by an experienced
 emergency planner.
 From  these  initial  discussions  the  Parish  Council  COVID-19 Response  Group  was
 formed and started to take action.
 This group immediately set to work and within 48 hours had:

    Set up a helpline for residents to use to request support either by telephone
 or email.
    A dedicated Coronavirus page on the Community website.

    A Facebook Group for parish residents to share information and ideas.
    Prepared and distributed a leaflet to all homes within the parish.
 Following an appeal for volunteers 46 residents have so far come forward to offer
 their support with requests for food deliveries and the collection of prescriptions.
 The  Village  Shop  and  Post  Office  remains  open,  with  the  committee  agreeing
 some  changes  to  the  way  it  operates  to  help  prevent  the  spread  of
 Covid19.  Measures have been taken to comply with social distancing rules and
 a  number  of  the  existing  volunteers  have  taken  a  step  back  to  comply  with
 Government guidelines, whilst new volunteers have been found to keep the shop
 and post office running and stocked.
 The  shop  has  also  added  new  services  in  response  to  identified  needs.  A  free
 delivery service to distribute daily newspapers has been introduced as has a free
 food  shopping  delivery  service  for  those  residents  who  are  either  unwell  or  self
 Work on the Community Website to make it easier to use
 has  been  completed  months  ahead  of  schedule  and  the  site  has  been
 orientated towards information and advice on the Coronavirus issue with a new
 page and two subpages.
 A  local  software  company  ‘Big  Yellow  Design’  loaned  the  group  the  use  of  its
 volunteer  management  software  to  deal  more  efficiently  with  the  taking  of
 support requests and matching them to available volunteers.
 Some  of  the  COVID-19  Response  Group  are  now  formulating  plans  to  stay  in

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