Page 19 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 19

March 2021                            March 2021


 Dear Jenny
 My owner has just received her Bere parish magazine - second hand, too tight to
 buy her own!!
 Yes, cats can read, I found your article very interesting, and obviously dogs can
 write very well!!

 My  owner  is  a  bit  like  yours
 except she doesn't take me
 with her when she goes out.
 It  does  give  me  some
 peace  when  she  goes  out
 though. She will pick me up
 and  move  me  when I have
 m a d e    m y s e l f    v e r y
 comfortable  on  a  nice
 warm  pile  of  freshly  ironed
 clothes. When she sits down
 to  Zoom  and  I  jump  on  her
 lap  she  moves  me  away.  I
 did  get  a  starring  role  one
 Sunday  though,  when  she
 was zooming - again . This time they had a man in purple, I think he was called a
 bishop,  and  my  owner  had  to  read  something  special,  so  she  wasn't
 concentrating on me. I crept up from behind, over her shoulder, straight on to her
 lap and in full camera view. She seemed a bit annoyed at first, but afterwards all
 the others said how sweet it was, so she was quite smug after that!!
 I got my own back today when she put me out. I normally go when I am ready,
 but this afternoon she put me out before she went for her walk, muttering that it
 was  sunny  and  I  could  come  in  when  she  got  back,  Well,  sunny  it  might  have
 been, but I was chilly, so I sat on next doors window sill, looking sad and they let
 me in. So, she comes back from walk, looks for me, has her tea, calls, and looks
 again, and again, leaves her patio door open slightly. She goes out with a torch
 and pads around on the frosty grass, calling my name. All this time, I was curled
 up in a nice warm lounge, but that came to an end when I was picked up and
 carried  home  to  my  owner.  Although  she  said  'you  bad  girl.  what  on  on  earth
 have you been up to?', I think she was pleased I was home, she gave me some
 food anyway.
 I suppose I am lucky really, she adopted me about a year ago when the last lot
 split up and neither could have me. I was 14, and wondered what would happen
 to  me,  but  I  like  it  here,  I  don't  go  far.  I  sometimes  visit  the  neighbours  but  am

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