Page 29 - July2023
P. 29

July 2023                              July 2023
       will see your lawn transition to a wildflower meadow (you can also sow seeds to
 POP IN PLACE NEWS   help with this). It’s estimated that gardens in the UK make up 430,000 hectares of
       land (Wild Woodbury is 170 hectares for context), which is a massive number, and
 Thanks you to all who supported our   an  amazing  opportunity  for  us  all  to  help  our  native  invertebrates  and  other
 recent Community Production The Lion   wildlife.
 King   For the past few school holidays, I have been engaging with the Wild Ones group
       that  runs  at  Lower  Woodbury,  adjacent  to  Wild  Woodbury.  We’ve  had  a  few
 When you put on a community show there are so many   sessions recently where we’ve been pond dipping in the newly created wetlands
 people  involved,  in so  many  different  ways,  of  course  there is  the  wonderful all   on site, having completed the hydrology restoration in December. I wasn’t really
 age cast that worked so hard on this production. We certainly have some new   sure what to expect in these sessions, as the wetter areas are really quite new, but
 rising stars in our midst.   we had a great couple of days and found plenty of exciting wildlife! The highlight
       for me were a couple of juvenile Smooth Newt, loads of newly emerged froglets,
       and lots of diving beetles. This is a brilliant start for the water restoration and bodes
       very well for the coming months and years.
       As always, should you want to get in touch about Wild Woodbury, please feel free
       to drop me an email at

 Thank you to Lucy Cruickshank for painting the backdrop, to Barbara Crowe and
 Amy Belcher for doing the face painting to Laura Maunder for making costumes
 and to Jon Maunder for the great photographs to Paul Bennett for filming and to
 Rod Osmond for editing and producing the DVD.
 Thank you to everyone who donated prizes for our raffle.
 Thank you if you came along to any of the three different showings and made up
 part of the audiences.
 Also thank you to the show team who have helped out with all the back stage,

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